Don't let it out

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You checked yourself in the mirror. You had just finished your shower after waking to the skeleton lump and forcible shoving him from your room, which now that you look back on was comical considering he held one of your throw pillows to his pelvis the whole time as he shuffled into his room with an obvious yellow blush on his cheekbones.

You had plenty of hickeys all over your neck, collarbone and even down your stomach and sides to your thighs, dude was a big on marking, not to mention you were sore nearly everywhere and make up didn't cover the marks to well, plus you were running out. With a sigh you got dressed and marched out the door to see G setting at the table with an off looking face. As the bathroom door closed he flinched and looked at you only to look away with a soft blush.

Roman ran around chasing Lucipurr as you two sat at the table looking anywhere but the other "We should... talk about this." He started "Lets not." You gave a whine covering your face "I don't really remember anything, you?" He leaned back in his chair still not looking at you "I remember going to the bar and meeting Camari and Virgil, then they started playing and I got fucked up drunk." You chuckled at the thought of being drunk for once "I remember taking you home then drinking some jack." He glanced at you before looking away "So I guess neither of us remember slee-" "Don't say it!" You screamed "Don't say it! Don't mention it!" You waved your hands around with a deep blush.

He cast a smirk before leaning forward "Come on girlie, don't tell me I was your first." His smirk only grew "Hell no! Pervert!" In your embarrassment you grabbed a book you had been reading on and off from the table and chucked it at him. Hitting him square in the face, he brought his hand up to cover his face and groaned "The hell!" He muffled out as you ran to him "I am so sorry!" You tried to pry his hands off to take a look "I forgot about your 1 HP." He lifted his head to look at you "How do you know about my HP, or even HP in general?" His voice was low 'Shit I fucked up.' Your mind started to race "Oh look at the time! I got work hope you feel better!" You headed to the door only to be pulled back "I have questions and I know you have answers." His hold on your wrists tightened "To soon into the story for that bud." You tried pushing him away as he gave you a confused look. 

You two stared at each other for a few till his phone went off, he hesitated before letting you go and answered. You took that chance to slip away.


"You nearly fucked up!" Tabitha shouted as you finished your story. Tabitha took an hour off just to laugh at you boning your roommate, Shin told you to wear protection causing you to accidentally spill your drink 'Do you really need protection when sleeping with a monster?' You made a mental note to ask G later. "But seriously, keep your fucking mouth shut." She made a cutting throat gesture with the knife she was using the spread jelly on her sandwich "I know, I know." It was a promise to never tell anyone about your past, even your 'hopefully' significant other wont know. "So, you really don't remember?" Shins' voice came from the bathroom where he was getting ready for work "No! For the last time no! Even if I did I wouldn't tell you." He gave a shrug  "Did you at least get to see him naked as you shoved him out the door?" Tabitha took a bite of her sandwich "Yes."You gave her a lazy response already know where this was going "On a scale of 1-" "7" you interrupted with your answer "Only a 7!?" She deflated "His SOUL was messed up a bit too. But even with that still a 7." You pointed out "Messed up how?" Shin came out to grab his bag "Like it was merged with a few other monsters." Taking a sip of coffee Tabitha gave you a concerned look "How many do you think?" She changed from worried to serious "2 maybe 3 tops." You waved her off before seeing her eyes.

 "Don't... no I am not babysitting!" She shook her head "Nope, you are babysitting him, keep his SOUL in check." Shin nodded before leaving "Oh come on! Can't someone else do it!?" This wasn't going to end in your favor, you knew but couldn't help but try "Enough, I will mention this to the others, but because you live with him it will be more convenient for you to keep him in check." She narrowed her eyes at you "Understood?" He voice was stern "Yes boss. I guess I should get back. I have a babysitting job to do." You stood as she gave you a smile "Glad we had this talk, come around more often I enjoy your visits." You grabbed your jacket and left.

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