Wasn't a Good Idea

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Your head was pounding as you laid in bed snuggled up to a lump of sorts. You couldn't even bring yourself to remember what the hell happened last night. All you did know was that you were in fact naked, had another person in bed with you and your head was fucking killing you. The person next to you rolled over carelessly throwing their arm over your waist and nuzzled into the back of your neck, you looked down to see the arm and your blood ran cold, it was bone... only one person in your life is made of bones... it clicked! You rolled off the bed in shock taking the blanket with you and screamed in terror. The figure shot up in a haze and looked around, wiping the sleep from his sockets he looked down to see you, as if seeing the actual process of him registering what is happening you stood and backed into your desk "The hell you doing in my room!?" Came an angered tone "Your room! This is my room! Put some fucking clothes on!" You turned away with a blush as he grabbed a pillow and put it over his pelvis.


"Wait you two can't just walk in here!" You tried to grab Shins arm and drag him back as Tabitha made her way to your kitchen "Oh come on, we haven't visited since you moved in, we wanted to see how it was going." She waved your concern off as Shin dragged you with him while he went to your couch.

Fall break had come early so that the college could make some building repairs, so instead of a week off you get 2. 

"I am just fine, no need to check on me." You let go of Shin as Tabitha started up some coffee for you three, this wasn't good G was home. Dude worked later shifts yesterday and was passed out in his room, you needed to get these two out before he woke up. "How long you two plan on staying?" The nervousness was masked behind slight joy of seeing your friends "Oh we made plans and wanted to see if you would come." Shin turned the tv on and thankfully turned it down to just be background noise "Depends. I don't have work cause they are decorating for tourist season." They handed their coats to you and you put them up on the rack "Yep, that new monster bar, guess who got a job there!" Tabitha cheered.

 "Hey when did you get a cat and dog?" Shins voice came from the couch, you turned your gaze to see Lucipurr cuddling up to his lap and Roman tugging on his shoe laces "I found them in an alley in a box, so I took them. Cats named Lucipurr and the pups Roman." He nodded and chuckled at the pun picking the pup up and nuzzling it "They are so cute." Tabitha smiled pouring the coffee into your favorite mug.

"Anyway, who got a job there?" You took the mug and sat at the kitchen table "The twins." She put the milk back "Twins...?" You thought to yourself before having it click "Oh you mean Virgil and Camari!?" You hadn't seen those two in years, the last time you saw them they were heading on tour around Europe "Yep, they moved back to their roots and living the more domestic life." Shin started playing with Roman with a rope "Are they staying though?" You questioned taking a sip of coffee "Yep. They lived their dreams and wanted to settle back down, the bar needed a jam night and they offered so now they work there." Tabitha explained. "You also know what that means?" She gave you an eyebrow wiggle "Know what?" This didn't seem good, she was plotting something "I get to pick your clothes!" She cheered once more "Fuck no!" You slammed the mug down "I wont make you look like a clown, or stripper this time." She pouted and waved you off "Besides, I bought you clothes this time. You need to look nice, we are seeing our old friends after all." She walked over to her bags and pulled a shopping bag out.

The outfit wasn't bad, it was s shoulder less black shirt made of a nice thick material and some ripped skinny jeans, she even found a nice necklace and bracelet to pull the whole thing together. "Ok, I admit the outfit isn't bad." You put it on the table "I know! I am also doing your makeup." She made a dramatic pose "Don't worry I already paid her not to make you look like shit." Shin spoke up from his spot on the floor cuddling a sleeping Roman.

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