Party Pt: 2

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You splashed water on your face, the water was warm. The lights in the bathroom were dulled to a soft setting. They were as nice as the other parts of the hotel. The colors were silver, black and red. A nice red carpet was thrown over the black tile floor, luckily the bathroom was unoccupied and remained that way. You had started to cry softly on your way in.

It was only a few days ago that you had accepted your feelings for G. Your dumb ass had fallen for him, and fallen hard. You told yourself it was a crush, you'd get over it just take your time. But he had made it hard to do, he started talking more,not just quick insults or asshole remarks, true he didn't talk about personal things, but he gave his opinion on things and you two actually had an in depth conversation about multiverse theory a few days ago, the prick was smart.

You let out a soft sniffle as you splashed your face once again. This was pathetic, he wont like you, he wont bring himself to care about you in any since of the word. Why were you crying over a literal bag of bones. Just as you went to dry your face the door opened, you stiffened and couldn't bring yourself to look "My child, is everything ok?" A soft motherly voice spoke, as soft steps walked up to you "Y-yeah I am fine." You chocked out "Oh dear." It spoke before bringing you into a gentle hug "It's alright dear. Let it out." As you looked into the mirror you noticed it was Toriel hugging you in a motherly embrace. 

You let it all crash out of you in one cry, bringing your arms around her you cried into her dress, she rubbed small circles on your back. "I saw you come in her crying, I wanted to check on you." She confessed.

She let you cry it all out and once you had settled down she brought you over to some chairs that were placed in a little waiting section, later you would find this hilarious, right now  not so much. "How about you tell me what is bothering you my child." She held your tiny hands in her big paws and gave you a genuine, reassuring smile. Had this been anyone else you would never admit to it, you would play it off as some stupid thing. But Toriel had such mother like traits, something you had never felt before you couldn't bring yourself to lie to her "I... I fell in love." That wasn't so hard... nope that's a tear falling from your eye right there. She quickly rubbed it away "I knew it." She giggled lowly "What?" Stupid response "The way you look at G, I knew you loved him." Her giggle grew slightly louder before she could bring it down again "Don't laugh at me!" You whined.

"It is alright dear." She leaned closer to you.

"How did you know anyway!? I am not that obvious!" You flushed in embarrassment "The way you look at him, your eyes sparkle." Wow that was cheesy Toriel. "He feels the same towards you too." She smiled as your SOUL fluttered "How do you know!?" Don't sound desperate damnit. 

"His SOUL reacts to what you say, or things you do. They are only ever good reactions." She made it sound so obvious. "You can see his SOUL?" That seems pervy. "Oh good heavens child no!" She blushed "Monsters can feel another monster SOUL react to things, it is very light though, but I have known G for so long it has become instinct for me. I tend to ignore it though." She waved you off. "Now since you are calm and all cleaned up, lets go back out. I think Mettaton was about to share his big news." She stood up and took your hand gently.


You didn't dwell on what she said about his feelings. You both walked back to your table to see Mettaton on stage going on a massive happy rant about love. You took your seat next to G, who didn't show any sign of noticing you. You noticed Papyrus wasn't around.

"Now to the main event! There is another reason I invited you all here, darlings!" The robot spoke happily "As you know it has been a few years since monster have been freed, and only a few months after that I found my dear sweet Sugar Skull Papyrus." He moved to look at a camera with a wink "...and we bonded for life after a few years. Now I am happy for finally announce..." Oh fuck you know where this is going. "We are started a little family!" The robot cheered as the guests clapped and cheered as well, G was stiff and his sockets empty "We are expected a little one in a couple of months." He finished.

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