There is Three of Them

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Couldn't proof read sorry.


The party had gone smoothly, everyone had a fun time, G got laid. You got some much needed sleep. You even got to hang with Liliac a bit more, you and her picked seashells and crabs and talked. She was doing well, her brother was scheduled to come back in a few weeks to which her eyes lit up. She loved her big bro with everything she had.

The last day rolled around, you were ordered to get sleep and eat well by Liliac, G confessed he was worried about you to her thus the orders. You couldn't get mad at him for worrying... it was heartwarming and you thanked him for worrying but told him you were almost done with your project and should be back to normal in a few days, he kissed your head before you said your goodbyes to everyone and Undyne drove you home.


A few days later everything was back to you not being home and sleepy as well as skinnier then normal. You were obviously stressed and you started wearing sweaters and long sleeves around the apartment. G had forced you to take another break, just a day though. 

"I swear I am fine." You mumbled as he cuddled up to you, you were sitting on his lap, he had one arm around your waist, his other hand laid on your lap "I want proof. Why are you wearing layers like this? It isn't cold anymore." He lifted your sweater up a bit causing you to pull the sweater back down with worry. He narrowed his eyes at you "What are you hiding?" He growled out.

"Nothing, I just got hurt while working, I am fine though." You mumbled trying to pull away from him only for him to drag you back "Take it off." He ordered, you SOUL fluttered, not in joy, not in happiness, but in submission to his order. He had a powerful will over you, forcing you to bend to his will. Though he refused to use it for the most part, you let out a whine as he pulled the sweater off, leaving you in a tight tank top. He looked your body over to see burn marks, his sockets widened and he pulled the top off to see more burn marks. They ran around your arms and stomach, your sides were cleared but a few burns seemed to go down your skirt, you had started hiding your legs behind tights and leggings. 

"What happened?" He growled, running his phalanges over the marks softly, as if he would hurt you if he pressed down to hard. "I made a little mistake and paid the price. But I am so close to finishing I am not letting it stop me!" You gave him a hard look. You knew he would try to stop you if he found out, you refused to let him.

"What are you doing? How much longer is it going to be and what happened?" He tried to stay calm, looking over your burns "It's a surprise, I should be able to finish it tonight, I just accidentally got electrocuted, my vectors protected me the best they could, but some of it passed through and got me. They bled a bit, I managed to wash and disinfected, I took a break after that and came home." You explained leaning into his body as he rubbed his hands over a mark on your collarbone, it was just below his claim mark "They shouldn't be this healed yet though." He pondered "Mimis' SOUL... if I try to heal myself it never works, but sometimes I feel it... pulse and my body gets better, but it only ever works on sever wounds and it is slow. It's like she heals me... do human SOULs ever die?" You looked up at him, he gave you a sorrowful look and shook his head "No, they live long after the body dies. She was healing you with what little power she still had." He kissed your temple.

"Be more careful... please." He mumbled picking you up and carrying you to your room.


G groaned and rolled over, he was exhausted, he had stayed up all night making sure you stayed and slept but he must have passed out. But there was a lump near him, in his sleepy state he thought it was you and he wrapped his arm around it with a smile, happy that you stayed.

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