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~~~~~Bonus P.O.V Chapter~~~~~

They listened patiently as Camari explained why there little human was in heat. Once G teleported to the apartment they freaked out... at least Sans did.

"we get to bone! we finally get to bone!" He freaked with a happy manor. Normally her wouldn't be so happy about boning but that pun off a while back really got him falling for the human. Plus she was so soft to the touch. He has a dirty human fucking fetish and he doesn't care!

Gaster was more silent about his thoughts. True he was curious about the human body in general this could be a good opportunity to see it up close, but he was a monster of privacy. But he couldn't really control that aspect since he was a half of G, a passenger on a tour he couldn't get off of no matter how many times he wish to.  He accept his fate of having to watch and waited for G to head to her room.


They watched with flushed cheek bones at the sight before them. Not having their own body to partake in the sexy times was really a downer for them, doomed only to watch as G gave the magical human lovely ministrations to her skeleton body.

It was to much for Sans "Hurry up already!" He shouted in annoyance, true if he had his own body he would have teased her just as slowly. But the poor thing didn't thus he was damned to watch like it was a porno online. 

Gaster on the other hand was a rattling mess of both arousal and embarrassment, not having his own body rubbed him the wrong way too. He missed the touch of a loving mate. He too watched her reaction with intensity, a front row sit to the who thing as it played out. Live porn... though he claimed it was for science. The more they become sexually active the more he can study the human body.      

They all agreed her body was magnificent, even without flesh. Her reactions even more so. 

"come on G i want more moans out of her mouth!" Sans ordered, not that he could do anything about it.

'She wont be moaning your name anyway so shut it.'  G scolded letting out a growl as he laid down.  

They watched as she crawled up his body before planting herself on his skull. Fuck sake this was so hot to watch! Why couldn't they have their own bodies!? They watched as she twitched and moaned for his tongue, the soft glow of her bones were amazing to watch, the swirled around and grew in brightness as she reacted to him.

They watched as she hit her climax, he pushed her onto his side as she twitched from her high "final-fucking-lly!" Sans growled out as he watched the yellow member enter her, she let out a harsh gasp before giving a soft moan.

"Go easy on her!" Gaster shook his nonexistent head at the rough treatment. 

'She likes it, just look at her.' G argued as he thrust into her with a fast pace. 

He wasn't wrong she loved it, gripping at the sheets, arching her back. She was a little freak... and they loved it. 

He switched the position for her to be on his lap and bounced on his cock. The new angle and deepness caused her to shutter around him and tighten. His own body had spiked in heat, the feeling was all two familiar to all three of them. His own heat was started up, in reaction to hers. This was a rare occurrence in monsters. They normal had a set time for their heats each season, only massive amounts of heated magic could cause any monster- including boss monsters- to started their heat. Just how much magic did this human have in her tiny body. 

G wasn't aware of his heat starting but they were, they didn't know if they should tell him yet or not. They settled to just watch for now. If they truly had to they would tell him.

As he mounted her from behind Sans couldn't help but drool at the sight, this position was his favorite. any position that gave a good sense of size difference was his favorite. She was so much smaller compared to their hosts body and that was a huuge turn on for him. Gaster was more of a holding during sex kinda monster. He was a love maker, loved a slow pace. But he could get behind (heh) this for now, considering Gs' heat was effecting his thought process.

As he collapsed on top of her in a panting, sweaty mess they thought it best to tell him. "G you must notice by now, your heat has reacted to her." The eldest spoke calmly.

"have fun, i am sure she wont mind being devoured by a REAL monster." Sans chimed with a devious smirk.


Three weeks and her body returned back to normal. They watched as her body started to morph back. It started with her veins and muscles, it was odd to watch them grow, then her skin formed and hair grew. She tightened around his cock, all three of them shuttered at that, his heat induced state effected them completelyeven though they couldn't participate. 

'Fuck doll you are so soft and tight.' G had panted out.

"bite the hell outta her! mark her!" Sans snarled as G obeyed in a heated haze. Claiming everything he could bite as his.


2 days later and he had finally subcome to his heat. He had finished with content and as the haze lifted off their minds they noticed just how fragile their human was. She was against the wall, a mess. Bruised and scraped with obvious scratch marks.

"You really let yourself go huh?" Gaster was taken aback at the sight, though she wasn't showing signs of pain. She might still be in a 3 weeks long of sex daze.

'Fuck me. I need to clean her up and heal her.'  He sat back and looked at her with ashamed sockets.


"She is so peaceful." Gaster pointed out as he looked to her all curled up in the blankets. She had a hand brought up to her mouth as she softly snored. Her half ass dried hair laid about her head like a halo. G leaned down from his spot next to her and gave a gentle skellie kiss to her check, she nuzzled into the pillow more and smiled.

"get some sleep. you earned it after that heavy session." Sans commented.

He got in bed, used his magic to turn off the light and wrapped his arm around her before passing out. 


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