A Nice Calm

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Not one for songfics, but I highly suggest listening to these in the background to get a good atmospheric feel when Camari tells Reader to sing


Away from the facilities Tabitha lead the monsters up a hill behind the labs. Luckily there were wooden stairs. It lead to a clear flat land with another hill on top with a white willow tree. There were patches of cleared grass. They step around looking the place over.

Under the ground were crystal clear coffins with children, they were all in white hospital like clothes and had flowers around inside. "Are these graves?" Toriel kneeled down observing one closely "Yep. Humans bury their dead, or in some cases we cremate and keep the ashes in an urn, or sprinkle the ashes somewhere the dead had requested prier to death." Shin explained "W-we do the s-same with dust. Sprinkle it I-I mean." Alphys mentioned nervously. "So these were all the children... who died?" Asgore looked down at coffin holding the youngest child. "Yes. We carried them here ourselves and made the coffins out of Shins power. He can crystallize things by touch. We let (Y/N) mourn Mimi, her sister while we worked. "Where is Mimi buried?" G spoke up after so much silence from him "She is up there." Camari pointed to the willow before skipping off to it followed by Tabitha. 

The others followed, Asgore had handed Asriel the sleeping (Y/N) gently. Frisk had moved her bangs out of her face lightly, she gave a soft yawn before cuddling up to the goat monster. 

Under the willow was another crystal grave. Inside lay a younger twin to (Y/N). She seemed so peaceful, a flower crown was laid on her head, and pink flowers laid around her form "She is so cute." Frisk kneeled down as did Toriel and Alphys "Mimi was the innocent one. She always had hope we would leave the labs, she looked up to (Y/N). She always made us smile when we were hurting or sad, she loved making puns and jokes too." Tabitha laughed "Oh man the puns were so bad." The others hummed in agreement. 

"You could always hear (Y/N) sing to her and the others in their cell every night, it lulled most of us to sleep too." Camari leaned forward "Sparked our interest in music actually." Virgil confessed.

"We would have given her the world if we could. Mimi had massive amounts of healing power, she could even project herself into others dreams. She soothed our nightmares every night." Shin explained. "I wish we could have met here." Undyne looked over to see a picnic table "How about we stay for a bit. You can tell us more stories if you like. We should pay our respects while we are here too." She spoke up "Yes." Both King and Queen nodded Asriel watched as Frisk and Alphys started walking through the rows of the graves, Undyne took Papyrus- who was still using skype- through as well. Toriel and Asgore helped Tabitha and Shin clean the picnic tables off as Camari and Virgil picked up sticks around the graves, trying to clean a bit. "Hand her here goat boy, go pay your respects." G gestured a "give me" motion "Ok." Asriel stood and handed G the sleeping human. 

G sat under the willow with her in his lap, he watched the others do whatever they were doing before looking down at her. 

'what cha going to do now?' Sans asked

'We do need to apologize, not just for kicking her out. But jumping to conclusions and... sleeping around.' Gaster hated to confess that.

"Yeah. I know." Was Gs' only response. 

She stirred a bit in his lap, just to nuzzle into him and yawned. "She really tired herself out huh?" Tabitha walked up to him before sitting down next to them. He hummed in agreement.

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