I'll protect you

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It was around 2:00 AM, and the moon was shining bright. The streets seemed way too quiet and peaceful for streets that were full of trouble. Yoongi, a gangster was walking along the lonely and dark streets of Seoul. He had his shaggy dyed hair in his eyes wearing black skinny jeans and a black hoodie with some black and white Nike shoes.

He heard some cries and whimpers coming from a dark ally. It sounded like a helpless cat being hurt, so he checked to see if it was alright and if he could help it in any way, but there was no animal. What he saw was a rival gang member beating up an innocent looking boy. The boy had dyed brown hair and was covering his body trying to block the kicks and the punches he was receiving. He looked so helpless with tears in his eyes. Cry's and whimpers came from his mouth, but the men who were beating him up had no mercy. Yoongi had enough of watching the boy get hurt, and took some pity on him.

"Hey Minho Don't you think this poor kid has had enough you asshole?!" The poor boy looked up at Yoongi with complete fear in his eyes. He had blood on his lip a black eye and cut up hands and knees.

"What are you doing here Suga should I just kill you right here right now? The gang member took out a knife and held it against Yoongi's neck. Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance he knew that they really had no chance against him.

He replied very calmly, but with venom in his voice. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know I can mess you up really bad. Dont fuck with me." Yoongi said with an arrogant tone and had full confidence in himself that he could easily take him down. He was the baddest member of his gang, but at the same time, he had a heart of gold when it came to helping people that needed it. He wanted to get the innocent looking boy out of this situation he was in and get him to safety and to a hospital. He walked up to the rival gang leader Minho and pulled out a handgun.

"I think you better leave before I leave holes in your chest you son of a bitch." Yoongi said calmly. "This isn't over Suga" the man looked Yoongi dead in the eyes and walked away.

"Fucking coward" yoongi muttered to himself. He got on his knees to help the boy who was was badly hurt. "Can you walk?"

"I think so. Thanks for helping me. I'm Jimin by the way." the shy boy looked up at him unsure of what exactly his intentions were.

"I'm Yoongi. Nice to meet you Jimin.

Jimin tried to get up but let out a painful cry and just fell back down immediately and clutched his ribs.

"I think you should go to the hospital. Let me take you." Yoongi helped Jimin up and let him lean on him.

"Thank you." Yoongi just nodded and he helped him walk. It was a good thing the hospital was just a couple of blocks away. 

--At the hospital--

"Well, good news! Your ribs aren't broken, but you are badly hurt. Your ribs are badly bruised and your shoulder is slightly dislocated and I would have to push it back into place. I recommend you relax for a while and put some ice for the swelling. If the pain gets bad take some ibuprofen, and they should relieve the pain for a while.

"Okay doctor. Thank you" Jimin answered. Both Jimin and Yoongi walked out of the hospital together.

"Jimin, do have anywhere to stay tonight?" Yoongi looked at Jimin in eyes. He knew that was an awkward question to ask, but he really wanted him to stay safe.

Jimin shook his head "I don't, I came to Seoul from Busan all by myself" Jimin looked down sadly.

"Stay with me until you can take care of yourself." Jimin shook his head

"I can't do that to you. I don't want to be a bother and we don't know really each other besides our names." The boy said awkwardly. Yoongi looked at Jimin

"You're not going to be a bother at all, and I wouldn't be able to just leave you helpless and stranded on the street. You wouldn't be safe.

Yoongi saw a bench by a park looked at Jimin "Let's sit down for a bit and say things about each other to make you feel more comfortable okay?" Jimin nodded happily.

They sat down on the nearest bench and Jimin began asking the questions. "Why did that guy call you Suga?" Yoongi sighed and paused for a bit. "It's my gang name. I don't want to use my real name, so I use Suga, but I like to use my real name when I'm talking with friends and my family."

It was now Yoongi's turn to ask. "How did you get caught up in a fight with Minho?"

"I-I don't know. I was sleeping one minute, and that guy came out saying I was on his side of town and started beating me up. I don't really know how to defend myself, so I just let it happen. It happened so fast."

Yoongi looked sadly at Jimin. "Don't worry about him anymore okay? You have me now, and I will protect you. Jimin trusted Yoongi with what he was saying. He believed that Yoongi would always protect him and always stay by his side no matter what. He did just save his life.

"I trust you" Jimin said out loud. Yoongi smiled and ruffled Jimin hair. "Good, because I trust you too." Jimin smiled and his eyes disappeared. For some reason when Jimin smiled like that Yoongi got a funny feeling in his stomach and felt himself blush a little. Jimin didn't notice.

Yoongi got up from the bench "I think we should go to my..I mean our apartment. Come on let's go." Yoongi helped Jimin get up and helped him walk to his new home.

I'll always protect you-YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now