Is it going to be alright?

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The boys grabbed as little of their things as possible leaving with only the essentials. They had to make a quick getaway before anyone could see them or realize that they have left.

They both grabbed their bags and looked at each other. They were going to slowly climb down the fire escape as quietly as possible.

"You ready?" Yoongi asked nervously.

"Um..I guess. I just want everything to be okay." Jimin was worried that they would be seen and get hurt or worse.

"You're okay, it's going to be fine. We are just going to live with Jin and the others for a while. Jin is already down the street in his car. You can do this Jimin."

Jimin nodded and took a deep breath before climbing down with Yoongi following.

Yoongi was keeping a sharp eye on everybody who was waiting at the bottom. Minho was talking with his other gang members, and wasn't paying attention to anything, so the two boys had a chance to get out of there without them noticing.

Jimin was almost at the bottom he just had to run down a few more steps and get to the ground.

"Okay, Jimin just get to the ground as smoothly as possible and it will be okay" Yoongi said to Jimin.

Jimin reached the ground and Yoongi followed after. The escape  was going fine as planned, but they had to move quickly.

Both the boys ran to the nearest hiding spot they could find, but as they were running Jimin stepped on a twig and the twig snapped.

The other gang heard the noise and alarmed their leader.

"Shit" Yoongi cursed quietly

"What do we do now?" Jimin asked with a terrified look on his face.

"Keep quiet. They aren't chasing after us anyway."

"Yoongi~" Minho called.

"I know you're here."

Minho then shot toward where the boys are, but missed.

"Fuck. Let's go."

The two boys ran trying to dodge the bullets until Yoongi had enough. He grabbed his gun and took shelter.

"Yoongi what the hell are you doing. We have to go."

"Wait Jimin." Yoongi said. Yoongi's eyes went dark and scary Jimin has never seen him like that. He usually looks happy and smiling.

Yoongi aimed at took a shot at Minho hitting him in his shoulder. Jimin saw Minho fall down his mouth fell open.

"That will buy us some time. Let's get the fuck out of here."

The two boys ran and ran until they reached the other side of the street. They could see Jin parked in the dark side of the parking lot.

"Get in quick."

They got in and Jin sped off.

While they were driving Yoongi randomly said

"I shot him."

Jin was kind of confused. "Who"

"Minho" Yoongi replied his voice sounding cold.

"What?! Did you kill him. If you did his gang is going to come after us."

"I shot him in the shoulder. If they get him to a hospital he'll be fine in a couple of weeks. I just want to get some sleep now." He rested his head on the headrest of the car. Jimin was already fast asleep.

"Ugh these two have been through a lot." Jin said to himself.

When they arrived at the gangs house Jin woke up the two sleeping boys and grabbed their bags and took them inside with the two boys following closely behind.

"Jimin~" taehyung greeted them with a smile.

Jimin smiled back sleepily. "Hey Tae."

The two boys were exhausted and wanted to lie down and go to sleep.

Jin soon walked in the living room.

"Your room is ready."

Yoongi yawned and the two boys said. "Thanks Jin."

Yoongi took Jimin by his waist and the two boys walked into the room.

While they were getting ready for bed. Jimin asked "Is everything going to be okay Yoongi?"

"Everything is going to be fine Jimin. I promise. I would die trying to protect you."

Jimin sighed climbed into bed. Yoongi cuddled Jimin and kissed his cheek.

"It will be fine okay."

"Okay. Goodnight Yoongi"

"Night Jiminie."

Hi guys, I hope you all liked this chapter. Tell what you think in the comments. Love you guys. 

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