Wake up

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The following day Jimin was awakened to the smell of bacon. Jimin rushed out of bed remembering that he had to go see Yoongi at the hospital.
He ran down stairs and saw Jin in a pink apron making breakfast.

The others members soon came down anxious to leave and see Yoongi, but Jin pointed at the table.

"Eat before you leave or you'll just get hungry later."

They all sat down at the table and ate the delicious food Jin had made, but all they could think about was if Yoongi was awake or not. They didn't want him waking up and being alone.

"Do you think Yoongi will wake up today?" Jimin asked.

"He's tough, maybe he will." Namjoon said to make Jimin feel a little better.

After eating they all rushed to their car and headed to the hospital.

"Hi may I help you?" the lady at the desk asked.

"We were just here yesterday..um we're here to see Min Yoongi." Namjoon said politely.

"Oh yes, I remember. Go right ahead." She smiled.

They got to his room and saw a sleeping Yoongi. He's still hasn't woken up yet. Jimin held Yoongi's hand and started telling him nice things like "The weather is nice today." "When you wake up and feel better, we should go out for some ice cream." Jimin voice was shaky and filled with tears.

He lowered his head so it would be resting on Yoongi's arm and sobbed. He said in pleading to Yoongi in a whisper "please wake up..I need you here."

Yoongi was unconscious, but somehow he could here everything, but he just couldn't speak or move yet. He heard everything Jimin said and tried everything in his power to try to move even if it's just one finger. He pushed himself and finally he felt him squeeze Jimin's hand. He wasn't squeezing tight, just a enough to alarm the others that he was trying to wake up.

Jimin got a extremely relieved and with a smile on his face said "He squeezed my hand." The members didn't believe him and Namjoon tried to come up with a scientific explanation for what Jimin felt, but Jimin had hope that his beloved boyfriend would wake up soon.

Yoongi started stirring which shocked the members and they alarmed the doctors. The doctor walked in and checked his wound.

"How are you feeling Mr. Min?

"Like shit." Yoongi said groggily.

"Haha, don't worry with all of the hospital staff here, you'll feel better in no time, but you're going to have to stay in bed for about a month."

Yoongi groaned "Can I get some water?"

"Of course" the doctor called a nearby nurse to hand Yoongi a water bottle

Taking a sip he looked next to him to see a worried Jimin.

"Jiminie, I'm fine. Don't look so worried."

"You could've died. I thought I wasn't going to see you again."

Jimin said kind of angry and sad at the same time. He cried some more.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here..I'm alive. I promised you I would protect you, I'm sorry I couldn't kill Minho."

"I don't care if you didn't get him. I only care if you're okay." Jimin sniffled and wiped tears from his eyes.

The other members just watched the two boys awkwardly feeling like third wheels. "Um we're going to wait in the hall. I think you guys should talk more privately. Namjoon said ushering the members out.

Jimin had never been in a situation like this. His life in Busan was quiet, and he never had to deal with gang members before.

"Yoongi..I know you love me and you want to protect me, but you should care for yourself too. Maybe I should've been a better boyfriend..and stopped you from getting hurt."

"No, I was angry that he wanted to hurt you to get to me. I wanted to get him before he got to you, but I ended up getting hurt."

"You'll get better though Yoongi.

"I know" Yoongi smiled.

He tried to sit up, but groaned in pain and Jimin gently pushed him back down.

"Don't get up, you wouldn't want to open the wound."

Yoongi reached out slowly for Jimin's hand and Jimin held it.

"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest."

"Yeah, okay." Yoongi closed his eyes and ran his hands through Yoongi's hair.

-a week later-

It's been weird for Jimin not being around Yoongi all the time, but he had been spending time with the members. They have been comforting Jimin when he felt sad and have been going to the hospital everyday to see Yoongi. Jimin couldn't wait for yoongi to get better, he still has some more recovering to do though.

"The youngest was searching for movie to watch in the living room and called out for Jimin as soon as he found one.

"Hey Jimin you want to watch Iron Man?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure" he replied and sat on the couch.

They both began to get sleepy while watching the movie, but tried to fight off sleep with candy. It didn't seem to work very well because after the movie the two boys fell asleep on the couch.

Namjoon walked into the living room to see the two boys sleeping. He went into a room to go get some blankets for them and carefully put the blankets on top of them. Turned off the t.v and headed to bed himself.
I hope you guys liked this chapter and, if nobody has told you this today you're important and amazing! 💕💕💕

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