Welcome to your new home

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Once they got to Yoongi's apartment building they went up to his apartment. It looked sketchy and smelled like marijuana, but because Jimin was with Yoongi, he felt safe. Yoongi got the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

"Welcome home" Jimin smiled and turned to look at Yoongi. The apartment wasn't anything too fancy at all. It was simple but it was pleasant and felt nice. It smelled like cologne, cigarettes, and weed and the place was somewhat comforting. The walls were painted blue and yoongi had two black sofas pointed towards a cheap looking T.V.

"This place isn't exactly in the best condition, but would you want me to show you around?"

"Yeah. That would be great." Jimin blushed a little.

Yoongi giving Jimin a little hand signal. "Follow me" They walked into the kitchen. It was basically untouched except for an empty pizza box on the table.

"Um this the kitchen. I don't cook much. I mostly get take out food. I hope that's okay." Yoongi said kind of nervously hoping that Jimin would like it. The kitchen was really basic a stove a small table and cabinets, but it was just Yoongi's style. Yoongi walked out and Jimin followed him to another room.

"This is my room, and sadly the only bedroom in the apartment, but you could sleep here and I could sleep on the couch."

Jimin looked up wide eyed. "What? No, that's fine. I'll sleep on the couch. This is your apartment after all.

"Are you sure? It's really no problem."

"No, it really is fine." Jimin smiled showing his cute eye smile which made Yoongi's heart melt a little. Jimin looked around Yoongi's room, and saw a bed covered in black sheets and a black comforter. The room itself was dark. The only light was coming from Yoongi's computer. Yoongi had a keyboard and Jimin took notice.

"Do you play?" Jimin asked pointing to the keyboard. 

"Um yeah. A little." Yoongi replied nervously and scratched his neck.

"Maybe you could play for me one day." Jimin smiled.

"Yeah haha maybe" What kind of music do you like? Jimin asked.

"Mostly Hip-Hop. There was a moment of awkward silence until Yoongi broke it.

"Hey Jimin, are you hungry?" Jimin nodded shyly.

"Let's go out and get some pizza." Jimin smiled excitedly. They walked to the nearby pizza place and ordered a pepperoni pizza. Jimin looked so hungry. When the pizza arrived at their table he was basically drooling at it like a hungry dog. He looked like he could eat it all in one bite. Yoongi felt bad thinking about how long he has been on the streets trying to survive. He smiled at Jimin and Jimin smiled back with that eye smile that makes Yoongi's heart beat out of his chest. He wanted to squeeze him because he is so cute. Ugh why do I feel like this Yoongi thought to himself.

---time skip---

"Yooooonnnggggiiii" Jimin called out. It's been a week since Jimin moved in, and Jimin has become more talkative and more clingy to Yoongi and it wasn't like Yoongi minded anyway. He loved having Jimin with him. It wasn't lonely for him anymore. He didn't feel like taking walks after midnight because he had Jimin there to talk to. "I'm coming Jiminie." Yoongi went to the kitchen where Jimin was and smiled when he saw him cooking. He looked so cute wearing a red apron that hugged his small frame. "Come sit down I want you to try it." Jimin sounded so excited. Yoongi sat down at the table and saw a bowl of 냉면 (Cold Noodles) Yoongi ate it very happily and smiled at Jimin.

"Wow Jimin it's so good!"

"Ah really!? Thanks!" He smiled really wide.

"You're so cute" Yoongi said quietly for only himself to hear. He was low key crushing on Jimin, but he didn't want Jimin to find out. Not until he figures out his feeling for him first.
Sorry it was kind of short. It will get better ^.^

I'll always protect you-YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now