We're leaving

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"Hey Jimin, I got a deal to make tonight. You don't mind staying by yourself?" Yoongi said walking down the hallway wearing all black clothing.

"No, I know what to do..just be careful okay. Don't do anything stupid." He replied with a nervous look on his face.

Yoongi smiled. "You're always so worried about me. I'll be fine. I promise."

Jimin took a deep breath and kissed Yoongi on the cheek.

When Yoongi exited the apartment door, Jimin turned every lock in the house and even locked the windows. He knew Yoongi wanted him to be safe just as much as he wanted Yoongi to be safe.

Jimin sat down on the couch and  watched a movie on tv, but about 30 minutes into the movie he heard a weird sound coming from outside.

Thinking it was Yoongi, he shrugged it off, but the sound was getting aggressive like someone was frantically running up the stairs toward the apartment. It couldn't be Yoongi, because he as a key. He could hear people yelling and trying to kick the door open, but the door wouldn't break.

Jimin grew frightened. What if someone wants to break in? What if they want to hurt me?

Jimin grabbed the phone and called Yoongi on his cellphone.

"This person cannot be reached at this time leave a voicemail at the tone."

Jimin's fear was growing because Yoongi couldn't answer his phone. What if they already took Yoongi? Jimin was shaking at this point worried for his boyfriend and worried if something would happen to him. Jimin's thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.

It was Yoongi. "Hey Jimin, is everything alright."

"No, the door keeps shaking and there are people yelling. I think some people want to break in." The boy replied on the brink of tears.

"What!? Okay. I'll be right there just stay calm and breathe. Those locks are impossible to break."

"Okay Yoongi."

Yoongi hangs up.

"Fuck, I got to get home!"

Yoongi ran down the sidewalk to his car and sped to the apartment hoping that Jimin will be alright.

When Yoongi got to the apartment the parking lot had some really tough guys blocking the entrance. They must be from another gang. Fuck. Okay Yoongi, think.

Yoongi was looking for a way to the apartment without being seen. He then remembered that the fire escape was right in front of one of their windows. All he had to do was climb up.

He started climbing very quietly until he reached the window. He could see Jimin sitting in a ball on the floor crying because he was so scared.

Yoongi knocked on the window which made Jimin turn to where Yoongi was at. With a sigh of relief he ran to the window and unlocked the window. Yoongi climed it. He grabbed a weapon from his room and warned Jimin.

"Whatever you do. Don't look at what I'm doing okay? I don't want you being scared."

Jimin nodded.

"Go wait in the room. I'll come back in a little bit."

"A-Are you sure you'll come back?"

Yoongi kissed his neck. "I promise. Nobody messes with somebody I love."

Yoongi ran out the window and before he could clime down the fire escape, he saw Minho get out of a car. Yoongi's blood boiled. He could get revenge. Yoongi decided to climb down the fire escape and go somewhere in building so he wouldn't be seen.

He knew the only reason that this many people would come is to try and kill him.

Yoongi had to come up with another plan to kill Minho, but before that he had to take out those people trying to get into the apartment.

Yoongi climed through an open window which led him to the lobby. The entire lobby was empty, so he climbed the stairs and ran  into the hall where his apartment was. He saw a group of guys still trying to kick down the wall. He aimed and shot them except for one.

"what do you want from me!?" He yelled with gritted teeth.

"It's not us, it's Minho. He hired us to kidnap your boyfriend, so he could kill you"

Yoongi punches him in the face and stabs him in the stomach leaving him there to bleed.

He unlocks the door and goes to the bedroom.

"Jimin, they're gone, but it's not safe for you here anymore. Minho is outside expecting you to be kidnapped, and he wants to kill me. We need an escape plan."

Jimin just looked at Yoongi shocked and he nodded.

"Pack your bags. We're leaving."

I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you want more don't worry I will be uploading soon~ 💖💖💖 btw if you want to leave any suggestions for this story or comments you're welcome to.

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