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Since things have been fine recently and nobody has made any threats toward Yoongi and his gang, Yoongi decided to take everybody to the amusement park. Although Jimin didn't want to leave Holly for the day he knew he needed a break from all the stress.

They were on their way to the amusement park. Music blaring from the car and everybody smiling and singing along to EXO and Big Bang. It was so cute that Jimin had to take pictures.

They arrived at the amusement park and Hoseok screeched excitedly and ran to the nearest game, the other members followed. The whole point of the game was to hit the target with a baseball and you could win a giant stuffed panda.

"Yoongi hyung, why don't you try winning something for Jimin?" They both smiled and Yoongi paid the man who was in charge of the booth.

He threw one of the balls and almost hit the target. He looked disappointed but then his eyes changed to determination. He wanted to win for Jimin. He threw another baseball and hit it perfectly. Yoongi smiled, and the man handed the Panda to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at Jimin shyly and handed Jimin the Panda. "Um..for you." Jimin blushed and took the panda. "Thanks Yoongi."

"Hey let's go ride that!" Jungkook said excitedly while ruining Yoongi and Jimin's moment.

"NO!" Jimin and Hoseok exclaimed in unison. Both the boys hated roller coasters, but they eventually both got on.

While they were on the roller coaster Hoseok was screaming and on the the verge of tears. Jimin actually was having fun. Yoongi and Namjoon were both laughing but also terrified Taehyung and Jin were also having  fun and screaming out of excitement. Jungkook wa having the time of his life. He was smiling a lot and was very excited to ride the roller coaster and was ready to force the others on other rides aswell.

They boys were having so much fun along with a lot of scares from riding all the rides Jungkook wanted to ride. He dragged them all over the park riding rides and winning prizes and gave all of them to Jimin.

At night the park usually has a firework show. All the boys were very excited. They found a good spot to watch the colorful fireworks.

When the show started, Jungkook and Taehyung were cheering. The loud boom of the fireworks started and Jimin got a little startled from the sound but Yoongi calmed him down by wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist.

The fireworks looked so amazing there were red, blue, green, and purple it was magical. The moon was shining which made Jimin's face look more handsome than he already was. Yoongi saw him and paid more attention to him than to the fireworks. Jimin looked at Yoongi and smiled then looked back at the fireworks.

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's chin and forced him to look him in the eyes.

"You look amazing tonight Jiminie." Jimin blushed.

"I'm not even wearing anything nice today" and laughed.

"You don't have to. You look fine in just that hoodie."

"Thanks" Yoongi smiled at Jimin's shyness.

"Ahh why are you so cute?" Jimin laughed and showed his eye smile. The colors from the fireworks reflected off on Yoongi's face and Jimin couldn't help but to lean in and kiss Yoongi on the cheek.

That made Yoongi blush so hard, but in the heat of the moment Yoongi grabbed Jimin neck gently and kissed him on the lips. The others were oblivious. They were too focused on the fireworks to see the two boys kissing. If they would've seen, they would tease Yoongi to no end.

When the firework show ended the members were tired and ready to go home and sleep. Yoongi dropped off the members and headed home.

On the drive he noticed Jimin asleep and tried to drive as smoothly as possible to not disturb him.

When they arrived at the apartment Yoongi woke Jimin up by lightly shaking him. Jimin stirred and got out of the vehicle.

"Did you have fun?" Yoongi asked Jimin.

"Yeah, I had fun. Being with the members and You was really fun" Jimin said sleepily.

"If you're tired, get ready for bed. I'll be there in a minute okay." Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair and Jimin went to bed. Yoongi following right after.

I hope you all liked his chapter. It was fluffy because I'm in a really good mood~ 💕💕💕💕💕 I hope you all have/had a good day. Love you all. 💜💜💜💜

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