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I think you'll be surprised when you know who this is..


Who are you?! Minho?

No, but I'm sure that fucker is still alive somehow.


...Jimin's dad

wow Yoongi finally you got it. I thought you would never figure it out.

What the hell do you want?!

Money and..Jimin

WFT NO! I'll give you anything but Jimin.

He's your rival Yoongi remembers that. We are not friends and that includes Jimin. He is supposed take over my gang and become the leader. He needs to understand where he belongs.

He's not a killer

He will be with proper training

I won't let you change him into a monster like you..or me.

He will be what I want him to be. He may have run away but he is who he is. The only way he can can get out is if he jumps ship.

"Yoongi why do you look so frustrated" Jin walked into the living room.

"I know who it is."


"It's Jimin's dad"

Jin's eyes widened

"What?! What does he want?"

"Jimin" Yoongi ran his hands through his hair in frustration

"He said that the only way he can be out of his gang is if he jumps ship."

"Why doesn't Jimin just switch gangs?"

"He said he didn't want to be apart of anything gang related."

"He doesn't have to do anything that we do. We always need someone to keep an eye out at night. Jungkook can't be awake every night."

"That's true..the hard part is trying to convince him."

"You're dating him. I'm sure he'll listen to you."

Yoongi walked up the stairs as slow as he could because he didn't want to upset Jimin at all.

He walked into the bedroom and saw Jimin wrapped in a blanket watching TV and eating chips.

How am I going to make a cute little person like him be in a ruthless gang? Yoongi thought to himself.

"Hi!" Jimin said excitedly

Yoongi's mood brightened up a bit. He sat next to him and sighed.

"Something wrong?"

"Yes and No"

Jimin was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Those texts that I've been getting have been from your dad."

Jimin's face changed to a more glum look.

"Um..he wants you to be the leader of your dad's gang.


"He said the only way you can stay with me is if you switch to be a part of Bangtan."

"But I don't want to kill people."

"You won't have to. You can be a look out. All you will have are binoculars. You will also be with Jungkook. He will have a gun with him and only he will use it."

"Okay. I'll do it. What do I have to do?"

"Leave everything to me. All you need to do is stay here and be safe. I'll tell the others that you'll be in the gang."

"Don't you guys have like an initiation?"

"Usually we just have them prove themselves."

"Oh okay. I'll do my best then."

Yoongi smiled.

"Okay guys Jimin is now going to be in our gang."

"Isn't he part of another gang tho?"
Taehyung asked

"Not if he is in ours. He's now part of Bangtan. He will not kill anyone. He will stay as a look out with Jungkook. He won't have a gun, so if anything happens I expect Jungkook to make sure he's safe."

"Nice! I'll have someone to talk to so I won't fall asleep." Jungkook said happily with a smile.

"We may be in for some big trouble soon with Jimin's parents because of this so we need to he extra careful. I want nobody to leave this house without proper protection and I don't want anybody alone. As leader I want everyone safe."

"Okay, we'll prepare for the worst." Jungkook said.

I'm sorry this chapter was shitty, but this is like the best I can come up with because I kept editing this chapter, so please don't hate it too much. Also this book may be ending soon, but I don't know. Should I write a sequel? or should I write a new book? I'm not even sure if you guys even read up to this point but if you do..thanks for caring and stuff haha ^-^

I'll always protect you-YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now