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"Ugh" Jimin held his ribs and tried to get up, but Yoongi who was sitting next to him on the bed told him not to.

"What happened?" Jimin asked with a groggy voice

"You fainted after we came to rescue you." Yoongi said flatly

"Oh..okay" Jimin said awkwardly.

Jimin looked down and saw all the bandages on his ribs and arms.

"You have a fractured rib and a dislocated shoulder." Yoongi said bluntly looking at his phone.

Jimin just looked at him. Wondering if something was wrong, but decided not to ask.

"Um how did you guys find me."

Yoongi put his phone down. "I said that I would protect you right?"


"But you're all beaten up. I couldn't protect you, so I promised myself I would find you. We figured you were somewhere nobody would suspect, but also in plain sight. We found the coordinates of the location and there you were." Yoongi explained blandly.

Jimin decided to ask him. "Are you okay? You seem a bit angry. You're usually super sweet when you're with me."

"It's nothing." Yoongi got up from the bed and grabbed his hoodie.

"I'm going to go out. I'll be back in a bit." Yoongi said frustrated.

Jimin could sense the coldness coming off of Yoongi. Like he was mad at him for something, but Jimin just woke up from being unconscious, so how could he be mad at him.

A few moments later Jin came in the room holding a tray with some tea.

"I made you some tea to help you feel better."

Jimin smiled at him. "Thanks Jin. Can I talk to you about something?

"Of course. You can tell me anything."

Jimin took a painful deep breath. "Okay, so Yoongi is acting a bit strange"

"Yoongi always acts strange" Jin laughed at his own remark.

"He seemed angry about something. I don't know if he had a fight with any of the members or maybe he is just frustrated."

"Nobody had a fight. Everything seemed pretty normal today."

"Are you sure? Because he just left pretty upset about something.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. You shouldn't worry about what he is doing, you should just think about getting better. That's what we all want. We want to see a happy cute clumsy Jimin again."

Jimin laughed, but then clutched his ribs from the pain.

Jin got up and left leaving the tray and tea so Jimin could finish drinking it.

It's been two hours since he left where could he be? Jimin asked himself. Suddenly he heard a door slam. It came from the front door.

"Yoongi must be home." Jimin muttered to himself.

He then heard yelling.

"Yoongi how could you come home drunk?!" Jin yelled.

"Fuck you Jin I can do whatever I want without you treating me like a damn child. I may be younger than you, but I'm your fucking leader. Now leave me alone." Yoongi slurred his words and walked drunkenly upstairs going to his room where Jimin was.

Yoongi walked in and Jimin looked at him in shock. "Are you really drunk?"

"No, I just wanted to act drunk so you can ask me that question." Yoongi chuckled and snickered.

Even drunk he's sarcastic Jimin thought.

Jimin took the opportunity to ask him why he was like this.

"Yoongi are you upset about anything? Jimin was desperate to get an answer.

"Yeah actually"

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"" he pointed at Jimin then himself

"What did I do?"

"You got kidnapped. And I wasn't there to protect you from those bad guys. You're all beat up an-d I couldn't be there for you."

Jimin saw how bothered Yoongi was from this. It wasn't anybody's fault. Nobody could have predicted that Jimin was going to get kidnapped.

"You look sleepy." Jimin suddenly said.

Yoongi nodded. I sleepy. He laid down next to Jimin and fell asleep the minute his head hit the pillow.

Jimin shook his head and headed to bed as well.

-The morning-

"What the hell" Yoongi got up from the bed and held his head. He had a massive headache. He didn't remember how he got into bed, but he saw Jimin and the feelings from last night came back. He remembered that he had left, but that's all that comes to mind.

Jimin woke up and saw Yoongi. He looked so confused. You don't remember anything from last night?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I remember leaving, but that's it.

"You came home drunk, and told me you were mad at me and at yourself.

"Did I talk about why?" Jimin nodded

Yoongi groaned. There was a knock on the bedroom door that sounded like a hammer to yoongi which made his headache worse.

Jin came in with Advil and  hangover soup for Yoongi and bacon and eggs for Jimin.

Yoongi reluctantly ate his soup and took his pills. "That's what you get for getting so drunk, and for talking back to your elders."

Regret covered Yoongi's face. "Sorry hyung." Jin gladly accepted Yoongi's apology and closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you."

"It's okay. I just don't want you to feel like this was all of your fault and it's definitely not any of the members faults.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "I didn't just get drunk last night...before that I went to go look for Minho, but there place was abandoned. I got so mad and I went to the nearest bar and got wasted. I get so angry seeing you like this. You're all bandaged up. You have bruises everywhere. It gets me so mad that I couldn't get to you sooner."

"It's fine Yoongi. It really is. I'm here with you. I'm not getting hit anymore. Which reminds me...I never said thank If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't even be alive right now.

Yoongi smiled and kissed the part of his face that wasn't bruised. Jimin blushed and the two are their food happily and were forced to stay in bed by Jin.
Hey. Since it's summer, I have some time to update. My brain isn't fried, so ideas are coming more easily. This chapter wasn't the best, but I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading my wonderful readers 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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