I think I like you...

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Living with Jimin these past few weeks has been so much fun. I haven't smiled like that in so long. He's just so happy and his personality is so bright looking back at the day he got beat up makes my heart clench because like why would those douchebags hurt someone so innocent and pure. When I see them again I'm going to kill them.

Hearing a cute laugh brought Yoongi back from his thoughts. He looked next to him and there was Jimin watching some show that he was really into. Yoongi wasn't really paying attention to the show but just looking at how cute Jimin was focusing on watching the show. His lips how plump and pink they are, and his eyes how they disappeared when he smiles and how cute he looks when he bites his lip.

Yoongi quit staring at him like that he'll think you're creepy if he catches you staring.

Yoongi quickly turns away when Jimin turns to him with a mouth full of popcorn. "you want some popcorn?"

Ahh he is just so cute..fuck I can't have a crush on him he probably doesn't even like me like that.

"Sure" you both grab the popcorn bowl at the same time and have that moment that only comes out in the movies. Jimin slightly blushes and looks away.

"Don't look away...you're cute when you blush.." Jimin and Yoongi both turn pink. An awkward silence starts to fill the room, but Jimin stops it. 

"You think I'm cute?" Yoongi just nods looking down. He's never been this shy with anyone before.

"Yoongi..I think I like you.." Yoongi picks up his head with wide eyes

"What?" Jimin looks at him with a disappointed expression

"Um do you not like me back? I'm okay with us being just friends." Yoongi looks at Jimin in his warm brown eyes.

"No, I mean..I like you too" Jimin and Yoongi both smile at each other. Both of them relaxing into the sofa with the drama still playing on the T.V. Yoongi reaching for Jimin's hand and holding it. both of them sitting in comfortable silence with a very visible blush on both of their cheeks.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in soooo long. I hope you liked this chapter. I wasn't sure where I was going with this book, but I want to update more. 💕💕

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