Jealousy ➢ N. Romanoff

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(Girl x Girl)

Natasha grumbled as she stared through the large crowd, her eyes landing on (Y/N) who was idly chatting with Tony

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Natasha grumbled as she stared through the large crowd, her eyes landing on (Y/N) who was idly chatting with Tony. She silently fumed, partly because she was disgruntled that Tony invited so many people to his annual party, mainly because the billionaire was flirting with (Y/N). She sipped on her whiskey from the comfort of the bar, her jealousy filled eyes trained on the (h/c) haired girl.

(Y/N)'s glossy, plump lips parted in a smile that could seduce anyone who saw it. Her fit figure was clad in a tight, form fitting red dress, that stopped mid thigh. Her legs defined by the black heels that fit her feet perfectly. (Y/N) looked beautiful and Natasha was more than displeased that she hadn't had the chance to talk to her yet. With someone as beautiful as (Y/N) was, Nat wasn't surprised that she was constantly surrounded by people trying to hit on her. And although it peeved her to no end, she kept her cool. Except for when she saw Tony lean in to whisper something into (Y/N)'s ear. At that point she almost threw her dink at the playboys head. Almost.

His lips were painfully close to her ear, his hands lingering on her waist. He soon pulled away, a slight smirk on his face. (Y/N) grinned and slapped his arm playfully, a light blush dusting her cheeks and the familiar adoring gleam in her eyes. Nat wished that (Y/N) would one day look at her like that.

(Y/N)'s hand pushed stray strands of hair off her face, tucking them behind her ears. Her gorgeous (e/c) eyes lighting up when Tony told a joke. Her hand landing on his arm as she giggled. Tony grabbed her hand and kissed it before bidding the (h/c) haired beauty adieu. (Y/N) simply smiled at the man before wandering over to the bar.

"Hey," (Y/N) grinned approaching the stool where Natasha was slouched.

Nat sat up a little straighter, taking a large gulp of her liquid courage. "Hey..." She whispered, not meeting the other girls eyes.

(Y/N) frowned, unsure of what was the matter. "Are you okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah," Natasha deadpanned. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. You just seem grumpy," (Y/N) reached out and caressed Nat's arm, causing the red head to look up at (Y/N)'s worried filled eyes. "What's wrong, Nat?"

The assassin sighed. "You're what's wrong," she whispered, half hoping (Y/N) didn't hear her.

(Y/N)'s grip faltered slightly, her hand retreating from Natasha's arm "W-what did I do?"

"More like what didn't you do."

"I-I'm sorry?" (Y/N) stuttered.

Nat grunted, the multiple drinks she drank in her blind jealous state clearly starting to get to her. The assassin rubbed her temples.

"First it was the dress," she started. "God, you look so damn good in that dress, (Y/N). Then it was the giggling and the dancing with people." She rambled.

"But then you started flirting with Tony. And I just wanted to throw something at him. I'm so jealous and I don't even know why. I don't even know if you swing the same way I do, or if you like me the same way I like yo-"

The red head was cut off by (Y/N)'s lips crashing against hers. Nat's wide eyes closed as she pulled the other girls body closer to her own, her tongue running over (Y/N)'s bottom lip, tasting the her sweet strawberry lip gloss. Smirking (Y/N) pulled away.

"What was that for?" Nat questioned breathlessly.

"You talk too much when you're drunk," (Y/N) quipped back with a shrug.

Nat laughed. "Does this mean that you like me too?"

(Y/N) smirked playfully, her hand coming to rest under her chin as she looked up at the ceiling in a thoughtful expression. "Hmm, I'd have to think about it."

Nat smacked her arm, rolling her eyes. "I hate you," she chuckled.

(Y/N) giggled, pulling the red head into another kiss. "You love me," she teased.

Nat simply nodded.

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