Don't do this ➢ B. Barnes + S. Rogers

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A/N: Endgame destroyed everyone's SteveBucky hopes and dreams and I'm just here to make it worse.



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If there was one thing that Bucky Barnes thought that he'd always have. One thing he thought he could always count on, it would be Steve Rogers. Once short, sickness prone Steve Rogers, turned soldier, turned Captain. Steve Rogers from Brooklyn, his friend who he followed to hell and back and through everything that followed. His pal, the one who was meant to be there until the end of the line. And as Bucky released his grip on his friends' shoulders, his hands slipping from their last embrace, he wished that the end of the line wouldn't have come so soon. But it was here, looming and shuttering and entirely too close for comfort, and Bucky knew he was teetering on the edge. He was caught hoping things would have turned out differently, hoping Steve would stay. But he knew Steve, he knew this Steve like the back of his hand. He knew this Steve would always choose Peggy, but still he found himself hoping he was wrong.

This wasn't meant to be their end of the line.

All Bucky knew was that it wasn't meant to be like this. It was never meant to end like this. He didn't want to end up alone again. He's been alone for so long now. When he jumped through every Hydra shaped hoop and stumbled over every hurdle of that aftermath, he did it alone. Through every burnt safehouse, every darkened back alley he walked, every god damn plum he ate, he did it in solidarity. He was tired of being alone.

Bucky fought all his battles, he had done his time, served his country and had laid his burdens to rest. He thought it was finally over. That the dust had settled on the battlefield for what he hoped would be the last time. Only this time, he had Steve. Steve who, quite literally, crashed through all his walls and helped him remember who he was, helped him remember how to love and how to be loved.

He finally had Steve again and he was about to lose him.

"Come back to me, Steve." The words were rushed and strained and mumbled under his breath, but he knew Steve had heard him. He wasn't prepared to lose what he had fought so hard to get back. It wasn't fair, life wasn't fair, but he knew that, more than anyone else.

A tear dropped down his cheek as he watched, helpless and distraught, as his friend stepped onto the metal platform. Finding Steve's eyes, he stood by as his oldest and only friend nodded goodbye with a shake of his head and a quirked lip. With a flash of light and a bang of static, Steve Rogers was gone and something inside of Bucky knew he wasn't coming back.

"Don't do this to me, punk." He pleaded, his eyes not leaving the empty platform.

"Okay coming back in, three..."

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