Monsters ➢ S. Wilson

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A/N: 200 reads?!?! Thank y'all so much x
Things have been pretty tough lately and I just haven't had the motivation to write or do much of anything, really. If you're still reading this book, thank you so much for sticking around and I'm sorry about the updates being irregular, I am trying, I promise.

 If you're still reading this book, thank you so much for sticking around and I'm sorry about the updates being irregular, I am trying, I promise

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The blackness of nothingness faded into pale light and soft silhouettes as (Y/N)'s eyes adjusted to the darkness of her room. Her foot hung off the edge of her plush mattress, open to the attacks of the monster that supposedly lived under her bed. But she was not scared. She simply tapped her toes to the beat of her music that blared in her ears. Not fazed by the by the irrationality that is monsters - especially those that lived under beds.

Though she does not doubt their existence. She knows they are real. Although, contrary to popular belief, they don't hide behind corners or down darkened alley ways. No. For the truest of monsters, the ones that haunt dreams and thrive on fear and sadness. Those monsters. They lived inside her head.

Her heart felt heavier in her chest than it had ever felt before, her palms were beginning to sweat. She could feel the numbness swelling in her fingertips and the building heaviness in her legs. She clamped her eyes shut tightly, willing, hoping, that the feeling of emptiness would go away. She ground her teeth together harshly, the negative thoughts swirled wildly in her head. She pulled her shaking fingers into a fist, digging her nails deep into her palms, leaving taught white skin and crescent moon shaped impressions in their wake.

"(Y/N)?" A voice questioned from the beyond the closed bedroom door. (Y/N) pulled out one of her headphones, confused by the light wrapping on her door. "(Y/N)?" The voice asked again.

"Who-who is it?" Questioned the girl as she tentatively made her way to the door. Her feet trembling slightly with every step, shaky hands steadying her weight against the cool metal shutter.

"It's Sam. Can I come in?"

(Y/N) sighed deeply, lungs failing and breathe hitching slightly at the prospect of someone witnessing her on the verge of a panis attack. "R-right now isn't a good time Sam." She stammered out.

"Are-Are you okay?" Sam wondered aloud before he could stop himself. Stupid question, he thought to himself. He could hear the she most certainly wasn't okay.

"I'm-I'm fine." She stumbled through labored breaths. She rested her head against the steel door. The coldness of the metal a great contrast to the heat of her feverish skin. I'm fine, she repeated in her mind. Maybe, if she kept telling herself that she was fine that it would come true.

"Well," he started. "If I can't come in, how about we talk, just like this?" He really didn't want to go. Something wasn't right, plus what type of friend would that make him if he left her alone right now? Probably not a good one, he guessed. Sam sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, his own loneliness washing over his tired figure and he realized that (Y/N) wasn't the only one who could use a friend that night. "I get the feeling that you could use some company." He added with a sad smile.

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