Beach time nalu

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Natsus pov:
"Yay!" I yell at the room "we get to share a room!"

"Natsu quiet down..." Lucy said sweetly.

Mmm she smells so good, like vanilla and flowers. I wonder what she tastes like- NATSU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING! She is your best friend for Mavis' sake, yeah... My best friend who I am completely and hopelessly in love with. *sigh* gajeel had a conversation with me the other day about this thing called 'heat'. I finally found out why I feel hot around Lucy now, she's my mate. My hormones are on full throttle and I'm gonna go insane if I don't tell her soon.
"Natsu! C'mon let's go swim!"
Lucy pulls my arm and I unwillingly follow her.

"Lucy I-"


Damnit gray I was so close to confessing.
"YOU ICE-BASTARD LETS FIGHT!" I yell back and throw a fire fist.

Lucy's pov: *sigh* I've been trying to get Natsu to recognize my feelings for him but he seems immune to women.
"Ne happy?"

"Yes Lucy?"

"Who does Natsu like?"

"Everybody in the guild of course!"
Hmm I should've expected an answer like such.

"Oooooh you mean romanticallyyyy." He smirks at me "kukuku" he chuckles "he likes you-"

"HAPPY GET OVER HERE NOW" Natsu screams with a red face.

Sorry but my chapters have been pretty short because I don't have much time, and I like to update as soon as I can. :)

Beach time gruviaWhere stories live. Discover now