Chapter 16

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Ahn!!! RavenofSilver I'm so sorry I just HAD to pair you up with someone!!! If you don't want to read about Rin and raven you can skip this chapter.

Beach time gruvia

Chapter 16

Claiming you

Ravens pov:
As soon as I heard those words I ran as fast as I could.
"Rin! R-Rin!" I called out to him. He turned around slowly and I grabbed his hand while we ran out the back door.
"I need to talk to you." I turned around slowly, it's either now or never. I bite my lip and pull him down for a kiss. His eyes widen and I almost start crying again. What suprises me is his arms snaking around my back, pulling me closer. We pull apart gasping for air.
"What was that all about?" He opens his eyes.
"Pent up sexual frustration." I look down at the ground and blush. Oh no, what if he doesn't like me. No no no, he kissed you back. Ugh why is my mind so indecisive!
"Uh-um you're kinda my uh mate." I bite my lip more and keep my gaze on the ground.
"'re in heat?" I look up to him and see a deep blush set on his face.
"Uh yeah,but I only want you..." We both fiddle nervously. He reaches for my hand with his own shaking one.
"I-I accept."
"Really?" We stare into each other's eyes. Oh my gosh he's so beautiful, the moonlight is making him illuminate brilliantly.
"So I kinda read about this and it means we have to..."
"Y-yeah I know..." Wow ok I know I'm ready but definitley not mentally prepared to have sex. Rinchi said We're old enough to get married but he probably doesn't want that.
"So do you want to outside? Or..." I get on my tip toes to kiss him deeply again. How many times have I dreamt of this? Too many. I've slept in his bed several times but all we do is sleep. Sadly. I've tried to seduce him several times also before but to no avail.

Rins pov:
Oh goodness, I can't believe this is finally happening. The farthest I had ever gone with a girl is holding hands. I've seen her naked body (only the back) a couple of times but it was definitely accidental, although...I don't regret it. What I do regret was not doing this sooner. I swear, every time she snuck into my apartment at night or took a shower at my house, I always had the urge. I contained myself until she left, then took care of my problem.
*flash back*
I roll over In my soft bed to find a black head of hair laying on the pillow beside me.
"Raven?" I poke her cheek and she makes a cute squealing sound. Her hand raises then flops over onto my lower torso. I was frozen in place, if she wakes up she's never gonna talk to me again. I slide out from beneath her small warm hand and go to the bathroom for a shower. I hear footsteps coming into the bathroom before I turn the faucet on.
"Nng, what time is it..." She grumbled still half asleep. Oh no oh no oh no. How I was now reminded me of her favorite tv show. 'Naked and afraid'. I see the shadow of her removing her shirt and Unclasping her bra to let her somewhat large breasts to be let out. I can see the shadow of her naked figure through the curtain. The curtain swings back slowly and she climbs In, still not noticing the shaking naked man in the corner with a huge hard on. She hums and turns on the hot water. I try to sheild my eyes as she bends over for the body wash. I blush immensely when she starts washing herself. I groan a little when her hands go lower. Her ears perk up and she looks to the left.
"Rin?" She calls out at the bathroom door. Right here, I'm right here how have you not noticed! I debate on wether or not I should tell her I'm standing one foot away from her naked body. I keep my eyes covered and blood spills out of my nose. I face the wall and wait for her to finish her shower. Oh no oh no I saw her butt, damn she has a nice butt.
The shower turns off and she climbs out and back into my room.
"That was close." I shake a little more.
"Now to take care of this." I frown at my lower regions. It would be cold showers all day.
*flashback over* I was already completely aroused, but the thought of seeing her naked on purpose...and I actually get to do stuff...
"To my apartment!now!" I swear I made record time to the front door. We wasted no time getting inside and busy.

Ahn gomen for the long chapter, and random pairing but they're sooooo cute in my head!!! I should do my own unpublished spin off. Oh mY MAVIS soooo many wonderful special appearances I thank you all for your help!
Love you~

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