The girls sleepover

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Sorry for not updating sooner, I have been under a lot of stress so I hope you'll like this one and read some of my other fanfics. :) enjoy.

Mira's pov:

"Aaaaaaahn~ Lucy have you iced the cupcakes yet?" I asked sweetly. she yelled back reassurance and I walked over to the tv and cd shelf. Levy entered the room.

"So what are we watching mira?" she smiled.

"Titanic." I had an evil glint in my eye.

"Ooooo steamy~" she chuckled. I really wanted to invite the boys to our sleepover but Wendy and I were the only ones to vote yes. how sad, these poor girls won't admit that they secretly all wanted them over. so dense. I will get them together one day and I'm having levy draw my ships' kids. she won't draw her and Gajeel's kid and I will prevail on convincing her to do so. I can imagine it now, dark blue wavy hair and golden eyes. so adorable!!! I'm such a manipulative matchmaker but it's so worth the outcome. all of the girls gather in the room before the movie starts for a gossip circle.

"We'll start with erza!" her face reddened.

Erzas pov:

Shit, does Mira know about what happened at the beach today? no...she couldn't possibly...

"So you and jellal huh?" damnit.

"N-nothing happened." I fiddled with my pajama shorts.

"That's not what happy said~" damn that blue cat, damn it to hell.

"O-okay!!! Yes jellal and I k-k-k-"

I looked down. "we kissed." I mumbled.

"MIRA MIRA WAKE UP!!!" levy screamed. I looked up to find Mira in a daze mumbling nonsense about this 'jerza' thing.

"LUCYS TURN!!!" I glared at the blonde. she doesn't know it but all of us at the guild secretly 'ship' her and natsu. her face flared with a fire red.

Lucy's pov:

"So what's going on with you and Natsu hmmmm?" Mira asked completley fine after fainting.

"Nothing at all." I kept a red straight face.

"Reeeeaaaally? cause I heard that happy told you-"

"nOTHING HAPPENED OKAY??!" I screamed.

"Yes happy told me that Natsu likes me, but I don't Believe him." I said with a sad face, it was so mean of happy to prank me like that.

"Lucy..." Mira patted my shoulder with a sympathetic face. "you'll find out sooner or later." she smiled. I smiled back and then flicked my head towards levy.

"levy-chan! your turn~" I sang.

Levys pov:

"Sadly girls, nothing actually happened between gajeel and I." I frowned.

"I just don't get it! I try so hard to get his attention but he just ignores everything!" I was fuming. I need to calm down and get some food.

"I'll be right back." I said and then shuffled to the counter for some cupcakes. I grabbed some skittles and had an idea...

"Juvia's turn!" I yelled.

Juvia's pov: oh my goodness what am I supposed to say?

"J-juvia may have k-kissed graysama." I looked up from my lap only to find everyone with shocked faces except for Mira who was dancing around.

"FINALLY!!!" everybody squealed and gathered around me.

"What else happened?" Lucy asked

"Did he use protection for what happened after the kiss?" erza asked. I just sat there, speechless.

"Juvia and gray sama played truth or dare."

"Graysama saw juvia's bra and juvia found out that graysama still has the juvia body pillow."

I smiled at my lap

"Then juvia and graysama made out on the bed but they had to stop because graysama had a hard on." I giggled into my hand while everybody laughed.

"Okay well gossip circle is over, movie time!!!" Mira yelled. we were about halfway through the movie when we realized we were missing someone.

"Where's levy-chan?" Lucy asked

""TASTE THE RAINBOW FUCKERS!!!" we were then bombarded with skittles.

"LEVY!!!" we all laughed.

After the movie was over and we had used about three gallons of tears, we decided to finally get some sleep.

"Hey I wonder how big the guys know... down there." Mira asked. I already know how big graysama is, I felt it. he's 10 inches. I however didn't feel obligated to share this.

"Natsu is 9 inches." we all heard Lucy blurt out.

"And how do you know this might I ask?" levy asked

"He's slept naked in my bed before and I was bored so I measured it." She and him are so dense...

"Jellal is 10 inches." erza bellowed.

"I know this because he falls on top of me a lot."

"What a clumsy loser." Mira whispered

"I will fight you about this." erza whispered back.

"But I'm too tired, goodnight everyone." she yawned.

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