Chapter 12 part 5

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Beach time gruvia

chapter 12 part 5

Getting there

Levys pov:
"Bye guys! See you in two hours!" I waved at Jeffrey and the girls. I make my way to the hotel with dress in hand and sassiness in tow. Once I slide my key card in, I open the door only to see a sulking gajeel on the bed.
"Gajeel, get up. We need to get ready." I pushed on his arm a little.
"Gajeel~!" I push harder. He rolls over and frowns at me.
"Go hang out with Jeffrey." He frowns even more.
"Are you... Are you jealous?" I raise one eyebrow. He looks off to the side and blushes a little.
"N-no!" He glares at the pillow.
"Well good, because it would be hilarious if you were jealous of a gay man stealing your girl." I smile at him knowingly.
"He...he's of the homosexual preference?"
"Yes, now come on!" I grab his bicep and try pulling him out of bed.

~time skip~

"Done!" I say as I fix Gajeel's tie on his black suit. I want him to look good because I invited the whole guild.
"Where are we even going?" He tried loosening his tie.
"It's a surprise- stop that!" I say tightening his tie again for the fourth time.
"If you loosen it up again there will be no cake for you!" I brush lint off of his shoulder.
"Fiiiiiiine." He groaned and followed me out of the door.
"By the way, you look beautiful tonight." He smiled sweetly at me.
"You too-I mean, you look really handsome or something... Wow I'm awkward." I stare at the ground out of embarassment.
"Thanks." He grabs my hand gently and we make our way to the surprise destination.

Juvia's pov:
"H-hello g-gray sama..." I tap on his shoulder lightly.
"What do you need juvi- ahhhh." He gasps while looking me up and down.
"I-is something wrong?" I fiddle nervously with my six inch black stilettos on my feet.
"You" He just continues to stare.
"Th-this was a m-mistake!" I try shuffling away quickly but to no avail. Damn high heels.
"Wait!" He grabs my arm.
"Where are you going?" He looked at me sadly.
"Juvia was just going to go talk with Jeffrey-Kun." His eyes went downcast.
"Stay with me...please?" He pleaded and pulled me against his tux covered chest.
"Will you be my date tonight?" He whispered into my hair.
"Yes!" I hug him even tighter with excitement flowing through my veins.
"Juvia!!!" I hear Jeffrey-kuns voice in the distance, I hear gray sama growl lowly.
"Juvia!" Jeffrey-Kun pulled me off to the side.
"Did the dress get his attention?" He asked me quietly.
"He asked juvia to be his date tonight!" We squealed and bounced up and down like little girls.
"What the hell juvia?" Gray sama approached us.
"i thought I was your date." He scowled at Jeffrey-Kun.
"Not him." Gray sama glared.
"Gray sama is juvia's date."
"Then why-"
"Juvia doesn't go back on her word and she doesn't cheat. Remember that gray sama." I cross my arms defiantly.
"Aaaaaanyway, have you seen a tall hottie with brown hair and blue eyes anywhere?" Jeffrey Kun looked serious.
"Come to think of it...yes, why?" I pondered.
"No reason~ where did you see him?"
"In the dressing rooms." I pointed at the girls' fitting rooms.
"K thanks, see you later lovely~" he stalked off.

Ahn~ ok comment if you want your own special appearance in the chapter 13, I'm gonna need 2-3 people that are going to appear in the next chapter. When you comment specify your:
What you want your character to look like
And your type of magic
Love you~

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