Beach time gruvia pt 2

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Grays pov: man the beach was fun! I paid some kids to play a prank on jellal and they got a little taste of erzas wrath.

I got out of bed and flung a towel over my shoulder when I realized juvia was already half way to the bathroom.
"I'm going to take a shower now." I said

"No, juvia is." she pouted.

we glanced at the door then back at each other. we both sprinted to the door and our hands rested on the door handle.
"Move gray sama, juvia needs to take a shower!" she yelled through gritted teeth.

"I don't think so." I taunted.

she had a devious smile on her face as she reached towards my abs.

"Tickle time gray sama." she whispered in my ear.

the next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ground by juvia's hands and I couldn't move. her face lowered and she kissed my lips lightly. I was completely frozen, enchanted by her taste. her lips were so soft... the door slamming caused me to snap out of my daydream. shit! she got to the damn bathroom. That was my first kiss with juvia, I've finally realized what I feel for her now. she exited the bathroom and laid down in bed while switching the tv on. I took a shower and thought of what the kiss would change and what it meant. when I left the bathroom I found juvia sprawled across the bed with a frown.
"Juvia is bored." She sighed

"Let's play truth or dare." I smiled.

Juvia's pov:
"Juvia is sorry for distracting gray sama so she could take a showers first." I apologized.
"It's was a sweet distraction." he smirked. My face instantly heated. I brought out my laptop and went on goomble (sorry I wasn't allowed to put in 'you know what' for the search engine) for cool truth or dares he looked over my shoulder while I was typing.there were suggestions for friends and couples, he moved his arm in front of me and clicked on couples games. does he consider us a couple?
"Truth or dare?" he asks me.
"Dare." I want to be cool in front of him.
"Play Rock Paper Scissors and you have to strip an item of clothing for every round either player loses." we get in a ready stance. I don't know if I will be good at this because I didn't really play with kids when I was young.
" Rock Paper Scissors SHOOT!"
"Damnit." I curse under my breath, I lost this round. I remove my top to expose my lacy black bra and well endowed chest. his face is turning red now, and he just stares. I begin to blush and raise my arms to cover myself.
"Don't." he grabs my arms and pulls them down
"W-what?" I ask
"Never mind!!! sorry!" he yells an then looks to the side. haha he's embarrassed, maybe he didn't mean to say that out loud? I pushed the thought aside.
"Truth or dare gray sama?" I ask
"Truth" he smirks.
"What's the most embarrassing thing you have in your bag?" the question read as I said it aloud. I put it on hotel edition for couples.
"NOTHING!" he yelled.
I stood up and said I had to go to the bathroom...he forgot his bag in there. I unzipped it as quietly as I could then started pulling things out at random.
toothbrush, shirt, boxers, swim shorts, pillow, toothpaste... all normal things I look at the stuff I pulled out and something caught my eye about the pillow, it had something printed on it and looked like a.... body pillow? I pulled the rest of it from beneath the pile. A JUVIA BODY PILLOW?!
"Gray sama?" I yelled


"Juvia thinks she knows what the most embarrassing thing in gray sama's bag is." He burst through the door

"WHAT?" He screamed.

He stood there horrified that I found out his dirty little secret.

Grays pov: Shitshitshitshit juvia found my body pillow of her. I just hope she doesn't find out what I've been doing with it.
"Why does graysama need this body pillow of juvia?"

"For cuddling,it's a soft pillow." I pouted. mmm I bet the real one is even softer...

"Uh, here." she handed me the pillow then walked back to the bedroom. I Enter the room once more and she looks unphased by the incident that had just happened moments before.

"Goodnight." I mumbled then let the warm blankets envelop me.

"Graysama doesn't need a pillow to cuddle with, juvia is right here." she smiled and wrapped her arm around my chest. she nuzzled her face into my neck and it felt so good.
"Plus gray sama, pillows can't kiss."

"Wha- ahhhh~" she put her hot wet tongue on my neck and circled the pulse point then began kissing her way up my jaw. she got to my mouth and I leaned up to capture her sweet lips.

"Juvia thinks gray sama has a weak spot on his neck."

"I do no-mmmmm..." I moaned as she swirled her tongue beneath my jaw. I pulled her face up to mine and we had an intense kissing battle that lasted for a good five minutes.

"Juvia we have to- mmmm- have to stop." I gasped.

"Why?" she breathed heavily, her breasts rising and falling at a fast pace REALLY wasn't helping my situation. I blushed as she sucked in a quick breath and looked down.

"Juvia understands." she said wide eyed. I don't know how she gets me like this, what is it about her that gets me so damn turned on? she turned on the tv and we fell asleep with the movie 'spirited away' playing.

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