Chapter 14

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Ahn~ ok so Here are all of my commenters special appearances:
Dolan- chello8893
Jennifer and Dustin- JenniferFox4

Beach time gruvia

Chapter 14

Coming home

Jeffrey's pov:
"YAAAASS! THATS HOW YOU SING BITCHES!!!" I yell into the microphone after my performance. More confetti glitter blows everywhere and levy throws me a dark green boa.
"I wish you were here to see this Daniel" I whispered to my boyfriend away at war. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Yeah yeah I know, I have to get off the stage- DANIEL!!!" I jump into my boyfriends arms.
"I'm right here, you were wonderful." He whispered in my ear and soothed my back with his arm. I sobbed into his shoulder and there were collective awes from around the room.
"By the way there's something I want to ask..." I feel him lower to the ground, when I open my eyes he's on one knee.
"W-will you marry me?"
"YES!!!" I collapsed to the ground and cried into his arms some more.
"I missed you so much" he hugged me tight.
"WAIT A MINUTE, YOU'RE GAY?!" I hear someone shout from the crowd. I look around and see juvia drag that gray guy out of the room hitting him on the head repeatedly.
"I love you." I turn back around and stare into my fiancés blue eyes and ruffle his wavy blond hair. I'm quite a bit taller than him and we are both extremely fit. It's the perfect match.
"WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" My team congratulates me.
"Sorry, I got here late haha, congrats!" Dolan smiled at me. I used to have a crush on Dolan, his straight red hair and green eyes captivated me at first sight.
"You must've been pretty busy." I look him up and down. He's wearing a red and black plaid shirt and black jeans with converse, obviously back from a job.
"Yeah I've been-"
"oh there you are!" I squeal and jog over to my cousin.
"Dustin!!!" I call out to him.
"I've been looking for you everywhere!" I hug him and introduce him to my team.
"There you are!" Jennifer comes up and kisses him. I had completely forgotten they were dating. Him and I inherited the same green eyes and hair color but his are more of an ocean color.
"Jeffrey~" I feel a hand gently tug on my jacket.
"Congratulations!" Levy hugs me tightly. I wipe away a real tear threatening to fall.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now." I smile.

Grays pov:
"Gray sama has no idea how mad juvia is right now!" She fumed as she dragged me into a closet.
"Gray sama can't just scream offending words in the middle of a beautiful moment!" I feel a light slap on my now naked chest- where's my shirt. I look down at her arms and see my blue button down draped over it.
"Sorry, it won't happen again. I was just mad that I got jealous when he wasn't even interested."
"Gray sama has no right to be jealous!" I could see a stubborn fire burn In her eyes. It was definitely a turn on to see her like this.
"You're right" I snake my hand around her waist and lock the door behind me.
"I have" my mouth moves to her neck
"Absolutely" I dare to travel lower and elict sweet moans from the woman in my arms.
"No right" I continue to move lower.
"HEY GUYS ITS CAKE TI- oh." Natsu bursts through the closet door.
"I'll just uh...yeah..." He moon walks then runs.
"Does graysama even like juvia?" She looks up at me with sad eyes.
"No, I love you." I capture her lips and we shut the door again.

FINALLY!!!!!! Gray and juvia stopped being idiots and did it! Sooo, anyway my birthday is coming up! It's on July 28th and I'm so excited because Ive never had a birthday party with friends! I need help planning!!! Comment please~
Love you~

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