Chapter 15

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Ahn, um special appearance:

Beach time gruvia

Chapter 15

Friends and tears

Levys pov:
"Rachel?" I spot one of my childhood friends. I introduced her to Jeffrey two days after I met her. We have been friends since second grade.
"Rachel!" I yell through the crowd. I almost didn't recognize her but the hair gave it away. She has black hair with purple highlights, natural, we talked to each other because we both had strange colored hair. I always loved her green eyes,they were bright and vibrant and as far as I can see...they Definitely complement her white dress with pink and green flowers hemming the bottom. Definitely one of Jeffrey's designs, she paired it with pink stilettos. I was always really jealous of her magic, she's a vampire of sorts.
"Oh my- levy?! Is that you?!" She squeals and wraps me up in her arms. Ok so her magic wasn't the only thing I was jealous about. she was tall and had more abundant curves, she looks like a floral vampire or something haha.
"Oh I missed you sooo much!" We both look each other up and down.
"So who's this 'gajeel' guy that we threw this party for?" I look at the clock. Oh no, only one more hour until it's over! I hardly spent any time with him!
"He's my...boyfriend." I laugh nervously.
We spent the next half hour catching up.
"Ok see you later!" I wave at Rachel. I've got to find gajeel or this lingerie will be for nothing. I bump into a girl my size.
"Raven?" She looks up from her midnight locks. I see tears streaming down her face.
"Why are you crying?" I rush her to Jeffrey's guest room. She reminds me too much of Wendy and I hate seeing people cry.
"My siren magic isn't my only magic..." What does she mean? Oh Mavis, I hope she isn't one of those luring serial killers.
"I-I'm kinda...a... Siren dragon slayer..." She mutters almost silently. Wait a minute, gajeel said...
"How old are you?" Oh no, if she's older than 17...
"I'm 19, but I'm really short." She sniffles. Uh oh.
"Wh-when I saw the mark on your w-wrist, I knew it was time." I wonder who her mate is.
"When I tried to tell him that he was my mate... He rejected m-me." I pull her into my shoulder and she sobs some more. I don't know anyone who could resist this cute little dragon slayer.
"Who is it?" While I wait for her answer I make really weird jokes in my head. 'When a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?' Haha wow that one is terrible.
"His name is rin" Rin...Rin... Where have I heard that name before...
"I brought him to the guild when i met him." Damn, I know ive heard that name before...
"What does he look like?" I ask, maybe if I have a face I can remember where I've seen this guy.
"He has light blue hair and dark blue slanty eyes, like juvia-chans!" She smiled a little through her tears.
"I know him!" That's right I met him at a library, he was looking for a book about women dragon slayers. He said something about raven,but how long ago was that? A week ago, when gajeel and I went into town for food.
"Raven, did you tell him he's your mate?" I see her face dim with realization.
"No... I asked if he wanted to go somewhere with me, that's when I was gonna tell him!" Oh so he rejected going with her.
"Go, now, before it's too late."

Ahn~ sorry for the short chapter!!! I'm working so hard don't be mad at me~ I hope you enjoyed!
Love you~

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