Beach time jerza

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Jellals pov: i set my bag on the floor then strip down to my boxers while walking to the bed. erza emerges from the steamy bathroom in a tank top and shorts, thank god I am now under the covers. her wet hair is leaving see-through spots on her shirt, and her hair is pretty long... *sigh* she's too good for me, maybe I'll give her a test to see if she likes me. she burrows under the covers and then I hear her breaths steadying. I inch my way towards her and nuzzle my face in her chest pretending to be asleep. Huh she must really be asleep.... My eyes start to feel heavy and then I slept.

Erzas pov: when I woke up I felt a heavy weight on my chest, I look down to find a blue head of hair nuzzling my breast.juvia? no... JELLAL???! ahhh if he wakes up and sees where he's laying he's gonna think I did it. then he moves, he lifts his head and looks at me "erza?" he asks still only half awake
"Nooo this is dream erza" I say trying to lull him back to sleep.
"Dream erza?" he looks at me hazily
"Well if it's dream erza then that means I can do things to you" he smiles. my face begins to redden at the thought. he reaches his hands towards my chest and I slap them away. "wake up stupid jellal." he then widens his eyes.
"Sorry!" he yells then rolls out of bed onto the floor ,with a loud thud.
"Uh,you okay there bud?" I ask
"Yeah I um I'm fine, go ahead and get ready." he says facedown on the ground. I decide to wear my most revealing bathing suit that Lucy helped pick out for me. I exit the bathroom only to find jellal still laying on the floor. he lifts his head and then slams it back down to the floor.
"Well I'm off to the beach, if you're not there I'm assuming you died. bye."

Jellals pov: well my amazing plan to seduce the great and powerful Titania failed miserably, if anything she's the one seducing me by wearing that swimsuit. ugh, why does this 'love' thing have to be so hard. Whatever I'm just gonna get dressed, and go to the fuckin beach. I just hope that lil bitch isn't there. He always reminds me that I hurt erza, but I swear it wasn't my fault. to the beach! ew why is it so noisy, and there's people everywhere gross. I lay down in a beach chair to get some well deserved rest. when I wake up, it's around sunset. I feel cold on my chest so I look down just to find penis shaped blobs of sunscreen. those lil bitches. I look around to find erza yelling at some teens while they ogle her, one of them goes behind her to untie her top. he doesn't get the chance to, I was too fast. he's about 100ft from here now, I kicked the rest of the teens 'gently' and then picked up erza bridal style.
"TASTE THE OCEAN!" I yell as I throw erza into the water. I don't see her resurface and I start freaking out. then I feel someone grab me from behind and pull me under. I turn around and see her red hair floating all around her. she looks so...pretty. I close the Space between us as I kiss her.

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