Bonus chapter

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Beach time gruvia

Bonus chapter

I can hear the bells

Jeffrey's pov:

"I do." The words I've been waiting to say all day finally escaped my mouth. After a day of mishap I finally got that ring from the man I love...

~Time skip to beginning of morning~
"Mmm~ what a lovely morning!" I open both my doors and cascade my body down the stair rail.
"Iiiiiiiiiii- guys I thought we were gonna do the musical number?!" I yell at the top of the stairs. I hear music coming from the opposite staircase.
"Damnit! Wrong stairs! Over here!" I call them over and they quickly rush over to me(with a few slipping on their own mops)
"GAH! Nevermind!" I stomp angrily back to my room.
"Mmmm time for a nice warm shower~" I turn the handle all the way to almost boiling. Expecting a hot blast of water against my back, I climb into the shower...WRONG!
"GAH! DANIEL!!!" I call out for my fiancé.
"WHAT IS IT ARE YOU OK OH MY GOODNE- what the fuck Jeffrey... It is four in the morning..." He frowns at me.
"The w-water is f-freezing-g-gAH!" I scowl at the water hitting me again and again.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you...the water heater is broken..." He explains to me.
"you couldn't have told me that BEFORE I got into the icy death water?!"
"Haha sorry babe..." The cute little bastard scratched the back of his head and shrugged.
"Well out, out, you weren't supposed to see your bride yet, it's bad luck." I shoo him away and grab a towel. My phone slips out of my pajama pocket and I get a great idea.
"Levy!" I call my maid of honor.
"Hmm yeah?" It was obvious she had just woken up.
"I need to take a shower at the guest house, are you still there?" The guest house was actually a library separated from the mansion that I let levy stay in when she visits.
"Yeah, I'll unlock it for you."
"Kk bye~" I hang up and run to the house in my pjs. She opens the door slowly with her eyes still closed and one headphone in.
"Gajeel snores heavily." She paused the music and ushered me in.
"Wow I haven't been In here in so long- what the fuck is that?" I point to a big-ass waterslide that swirls down the side of the stairs.
We both hear a shout of excitement and the faint sound of water turning on.
"God damnit gajeel." She rubbed her temples. Said man slides down and greets both of them, dripping.
"'Why' did you build a gigantic water slide inside of this library house?" She gestured to the large monstrosity next to the staircase.
"Because it needed one." He stated simply and pouted.
"Ok, I don't have time to deal with...this, as long as you build an elevator to go along with it, it can stay."
"Yesssss." He padded off to get to work.
"Can I use your shower?"
"Yeah sure- GAJEEL GIVE ME MY MAGIC PEN BACK!" She chased after her childish boyfriend. I sigh and make my way to the shower.

Grays pov:
Juvia and I arrived just as everyone else did to where we would be getting dressed for the wedding.
Right as we walk in we hear a muffled scream and heavy stomps.
"GOD SHITTING DAMNIT!" Jeffrey shouts and angrily sits In a chair.
"Jeffrey-Kun? What's wrong?" Juvia comes to his aid and pats his back.
"I sent a picture of me and the brides maids in, along with the measurements and they just...UGH!"
"What happened?"
"Take a look for yourself." He points to the dress bags.
"Oh no..." Juvia pulls out a light blue wedding dress.
"I don't get it...what's wrong?" I ask.
"Jeffrey-Kun sent in measurements and colors but never said who was the bride, the tailor must've thought juvia was the bride." She pouted at the soft tulle.
"So instead of getting a light blue tux we got a light blue wedding dress..." He adds.
"Hold up, juvia try this on right now!" He went back to his sassy self and shoved her into the dressing room.
"This veil too." He tosses it over and she squeaks. Five minutes later he calls me in to 'ogle' or whatever.
"Yeah yeah what do you wan-oh..." My mouth goes dry. There juvia stands in a gorgeous dress and veil, looking absolutely irresistible.
"You look-" I begin.
"Fabulous!!!" Jeffrey finishes and gushes over how good she looks. I get a sudden idea.
"Let's take a picture." I grab her phone and hand it to Jeffrey. He snaps it and I run to a nearby dressing room with the phone. I scroll down her contact list until I find it.
'Graysama and juvia are getting married today at noon! At the silver chapel on
The island d'accord. Hope to see u there!!!" I text and send it hoping I sounded like juvia. I set the phone down then realize just whose dressing room I was in. The curtains swing back and startled eyes look at me.
"Uh hi, here's your phone..." I hand the item to her and start scooting away when I see something, her bra. If it's on the floor then what is she wearing underneath.
"Can graysama unzip juvia?" I don't think I've ever stripped anyone of something so fast before.
"Oh it's wonderful graysama, Jeffrey-Kun is letting juvia keep the dress for her own wedding~" she stepped out of the dress and began to get dressed like normal, oblivious to the fact that her newly acquired boyfriend was watching her every move.
"Oh your not putting that on." He attacked her neck.

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