Chapter 12 part 2

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Beach time gruvia

Ahn~ so tigerstripedlilies and I are at the beach right now and we're lying in a tent working on this super rad new fanfic about camping so I haven't had much time to update!!!! Sorry(not sorry) this new fanfic we're working on is totally awesome and it's filled with stuff we actually did!!!(we're writing it down in notebooks) ok so here's your part 2

Levys pov:
"Where to next?"
"The party store!!!" We ran off in its general direction and go through racks and racks of supplies. We decide in getting pretty generic looking decorations for his 22nd birthday.
"Oh no, who's gonna help us with tailoring the clothes?"
"I've got it" I pull out my phone and call our only good seamstress in fairy tail.
"She's on her way right now." I hang up. We wait for a couple minutes then I see a blue head of hair hurriedly making it's way towards us.
"Juvia!" I call out as she runs up to me and hugs me.
"Levy-San wanted juvia's help with wha- who's that?" She smiled at Jeffrey.
"OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS!!!" Jeffrey ran up to juvia and hugged her.
"Oh sorry sweetie, my name is Jeffrey." He giggled then shook her hand.
"And I think your hair style is absolutley fabulous!" Juvia looked confused at his complement.
"Juvia only put it in a fish tail braid" she pointed at her hair.
"I must agree with Jeffrey, your hair looks like a mermaids tail!" I beamed at her.
"O-ok thanks, so what did levy-San and Jeffrey-Kun need?" I nodded towards him and we both took hold of juvia's arms.
" the seamstress for my designer clothes studio is out today, so levy called you up for help." He smile at her and she smiled back. I think I see the beginning of a beautiful friendship. They hooked arms and ran off together to the sewing machines.

Gajeel's pov:
~time skip to when levy leaves hotel room~
I waited for levy to leave the room then quickly got up and got dressed. I don't have any other plans today other than stalking levy...
~in a bush watching levy~
I watch as she greets some weird guy on the street. He wraps his arm around her and I have the nerve to go and strangle him...however I restrain myself because he is levys FRIEND!!!! Only a FRIEND!!!!! I keep convincing myself. I see them run in and out of a party store and then she's on the phone. I hear juvia approaching quickly and sink down into the bushes more. That's when I hear it.
I glance over to my right and see a head of black spiky hair poking out of a bush about three feet away from me.
"Gray? Why are you here?"
"Because juvia's here, I came to spy. Why are you here?"
"Same reason you are, except it's for levy."
"Who's that guy?"
"Some guy named Jeffrey..."
I could hear him growl as Jeffrey and juvia hooked arms.
"Jealous much?" I smirk at him. Just then Lucy appears and Jeffrey rushes to her side and hugs her.
"We're not the only jealous ones..." I see gray pointing up towards a light post.
"Natsu?! What the fuck!" I whisper/yell at him. The idiot is perched on top of a lamppost and is completely visible.
"Get down here-" we all shut up as the girls make their way inside.
"So what do you think Jeffrey has with our girls?"
"Ooooo I love gossip, who are we talking about?" Another guy pops up out of the middle bush.
"Who are you?"
"Oh I'm Jeffrey!"
. . .

"FLEE!!!!" All of us ran in different directions (towards the hotel)

Ahn~ these beautiful idiots haha! I am IN LOVE with Jeffery!!! Go check out the fanfic with the cabin as cover art!!! That's the collab fanfic with tigerstripedlilies and i!!! she has part 1 of chapter one.

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