Chapter 12 GaLe: birthday

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This chapters plot was created by tigerstripedlilies!!! Enjoy~

Levys pov: I woke up and silently got out of bed. after I got ready I drove to the baker and bought a chocolate cake with an dragon on it.

~back to the hotel room~

"Happy birthday gajeel." I whispered In his ear as I set the cake down beside him in bed.
"Hmm~ nuh~ what?" he mumbled waking up.
"It's your birthday silly~" I teased.
"And I even got you a cake..." I slid it towards him slowly.
"Want it?"
"Fuck yeah!" he smashed his hand into the cake and began devouring it. I sweat dropped at this.
"So -mph- shrimp -mmmph- got any plans -mmph- today?" he asked through his full and chewing mouth.
"Yes actually, I'm meeting up with someone. I'll be back by four." his face drooped.
"Oh... well, where are you going?"
"For what?"
"It's a surprise~" he frowned at me and I gathered my purse and keys.
"See you at four!" I left the hotel room and went on my way to see Jeffrey.

~to the shopping market~

"Hey!" I called out as I spotted him in the outside mall courtyard. he's pretty easy to see considering he's pretty built up. I have been friends with him since I was 7, and he lives on this island because his parents kicked him out. their reason? 'oh nooooooo we can't have a gay kid in our house!!! it's unhoooooly' I punched his dad in the face and we stormed off to my house. I kept him there until we finished highschool and then he went off to college while I went to my home guild fairy tail. I think he's completely fabulous and his parents don't deserve his amazing company. he works as a CEO for a huge company and he's extremely wealthy. he's my best friend and I can't wait to go shopping.
we walked into our first store that sells lingerie.
"Can I help you?" a sweet woman asked us.
"No, but it looks like you could use a little help with that makeup!" he told her. she looked provoked and shocked that somebody could be so rude.
"Cmere I'm gonna help you." he grabbed my purse and pulled out my makeup.
When he was finished she looked absolutely gorgeous!
"Th-thank you!!! my boyfriend will love this! oh my let me get you a dressing room darling."she ushered me off to a small room and began going through the racks for sexy stuff that will surely get gajeel to notice that I have a body.
"My his one perhaps?" she pulled out a black lacy bra and panties with thigh high socks and stilettos.
"Perfect..." It was as if I was in a trance, hypnotized by it's hotness.
"Ooooo gurl. try that shit on now." I giggled and went back Into the dressing room. once I was done I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't look like a kid anymore...I look like a hot young adult looking for an amazing night.
"W-what do you think?" I looked up timidly. I saw Jeffrey's jaw drop.
"Honey, I would do you right now if I didn't already have a boyfriend...and was straight. hahaha let's get it!"
"It's on the house! you made me feel beautiful for free so I want to return the favor. " she smiled at us.
"You are beautiful just the way you are and the sooner you realize it, the happier you'll be." I pat her shoulder then we leave the store.
"Where to next?"
"Hmm let's see... party store!!!"

I'll post part two later... I'm moving to a new house so it's kinda hard to write while packing!!! gihi, check out my other fanfics *coughs* winter *cough* mayhem *cough cough* love you~

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