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- Your Pov Flash forward-

You sit at home, and quickly hit the buttons on your controller. On the screen, Adult Sasuke thrashes on your opponent, who's using the Kage. Your camera is recording this, and you don't talk, keeping your focus resolute. This isn't for your YouTube channel, rather an audition to go to the E-Sports League for this game.

Eventually, you finish the series of online battles, and sign off. You send the recording off, and go to your phone. You had it off so it didn't distract you while you were doing the audition. Powering it on, you saw that you had several texts.

Some of them aren't important, and you only pay attention to the ones from your boss Burnie, and your friend Micheal. You also have a text from Barbara.

Burnie: Hey man. I hope you get the E-Sports acceptance. If not, oh well. You're still the Knock-Out Fighter here at Rooster Teeth. And hey, can you be on the podcast next week?

You reply to him that it should be easy enough to make it, and then check the text from Micheal

Micheal: Lindsey wanted to go on a double date sometime. Is there any time you'd be fine with doing that?

You tell him that you'll check with Barbara, before checking that text.

Barbara: Honey, are we doing anything this weekend? Sophie wanted to go on a camping trip, and I said I'd ask you.

You: Might be fun. I'd have a blast going. I didn't have any objections to it.

Barbara: Neither did I. After all, she asked forest.

You: Goddammit Barbara.

Even after all these years, her puns never cease to spark the slightest bit of irritation in you. Granted, you love her, and most of your puns are funny. And having to hear them once and awhile is a small price to pay since she's the love of your life.

Barbara: Come on. I'm not that punbearable.

You: I know you aren't. I'm going to go and shop for some snacks and what not. Do we even have any camping gear?

Barbara: Nope. You and I have never been camping together. I wonder why she wanted to go on one. But it sounds like fun.

You: Yeah. Where are you right now? We can go shopping for stuff together?

Barbara: I'm at the studio. Finishing up some lines for the new episode of RWBY. When I finish, I'm going to talk with Burnie to get us a couple of days off.

You: Okay. Let me go by some snacks. Is there anything you wanted in particular?

Barbara: Can you get me the lunch I had once that said Bowl Appetite on it? I just want to make that joke with Sophie.

You: I thought we had finally moved past that on? Said ' Bowl Voyage' to all the puns related to it.

Barbara: You're punny when you want to be.

This makes you chuckle. You go, and start buying snacks for your family. Eventually, you find the Bowl Voyage lunch, and by it for your beautiful wife. Even though, she'll use it to annoy her coworkers, it'll make her happy. The thought of her laughing warms you.

-Timeskip to car ride-

" Alright," you say, getting into the driver seat. " We got a three hour drive down to the campsite. Got some snacks in the car. We'll stop at McDonald's or something for lunch."

Sophie pulls out her 3Ds, and starts playing some video game. You presume it's Pokemon since you had bought it for her recently. Games like that are something she always loved. Even though you were a fighting gamer, she had next to no interest in the genre.

You go to the radio, and turn it on. Some sappy pop song plays, and you roll your eyes. " Barb, do we have any CD's?"

She nods. " Yeah. Your Linkin Park ones, a couple of Adel ones. Maroon 5. Your weaboo music," she jokes, poking fun of you being an anime fan.

" Oh come on," you say, joking back. " One of us has actually been in an anime. And it isn't me. So yeah."

Your wife chuckles. " Yeah, and yet you make your living from playing video games, and most of them based on anime."

This goes on for awhile, before you see a What-A Burger. " Ooh," says Sophie. " Can we eat there Dad?" Your stomach growls, so you pull over your car and the three of you get out.

Barbara's eyes glow. " I can finally cross off one of my life goals," she says eagerly. You turn to her confused. " You'll see," she tells you.

The three of you go inside, and eat a good lunch together. You're still curious about what it was she wanted to here. She finishes your burger, and gazes wistfully outside. " Man," she says. " What a burger. Eh? Eh?"

You roll your eyes so far back into your head that you can see brain cells dying. However, you do laugh. You remember one of the podcasts where she mentioned that goal of hers, and you're glad you were able to make one of her " life goals" come true.

Back in the car, Sophie falls asleep right away. Barbara takes a turn driving. She turns to you. " With Christmas coming up, is there anything you wanted? I was going to go shopping soon."

You shake your head. " I have everything a guy could want. The most beautiful wife in the world, and a beautiful daughter." Barbara smacks your arm playfully.

" God that was cheesy," she says. " But still. That's also part of the reason why I love you. And that's a good answer."

When you get to the campsite, you wake Sophie up, and her eyes widen with joy. Barbara laces her hand with yours, and the three of you start walking in the forest.

( Part 1 of 2. I'm actually having fun writing this. It gives me an excuse to just watch their podcasts all day.)

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