Prologue- The Arrival

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Heya guys I'm quite new to this and this is my first story! :) Sooo excited :D I hope you will like it, pointers always helpful.

Thank you for taking your time to look at this.

Love Chelsi xx


In the back seat of my parents' car unaware of where we are going isn't the best thing really. I mean you would've thought they'd tell me where we are going considering I have to live there to. Ugh they can be so frustrating sometimes.

So there I am staring out of the car window on my side watching as cities, towns, villages and fields go by. I don't even know which country I'm in because I fell asleep in the airplane and for most of this car ride. You know that saying 'ignorance is bliss'? Well I'm not feeling it right now.

The only thing I know is that we have just left our house in Canada, well at least I won't be freezing my butt off each time I leave the house which is a good few points to wherever this place will be.

About 3 hours later we pass a sign saying 'Welcome to South Carolina'. I tried not to gasp as I realised we were in America. I haven't been to America since we were in Utah about 10 years ago; though I don't really remember much cause I was 6 at the time. As if they were reading my mind my parents chuckled and my dad said;

"Yes we are in America. Have you been alright Beth you've been sleeping a hell-of-a lot since we started out this morning?" he said with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "Anyway it's been a good thing though we have wanted to surprise you with where we are going to be staying and well its worked hasn't it?" I turned my gaze from the scene outside the window to my dad's eyes in the rear view mirror. I was positive I was gaping at him as I nodded my head in agreement.

My mom just kept giggling and smirking at me as if she knew something I didn't. This should be fun. I decided to go to sleep so that I couldn't hear my mom giggling like a 5 year old; I mean it was seriously getting annoying.

It felt like we were on the road for hours but it probably wasn't. Anyway, I got nudged back into reality as the car stopped dead; I think I nearly flew out of my chair. Thank God for seat belts.

"We're here!" my mom practically sang with an excited look on her face.

It was dark by now so I couldn't really see much; all I could see was a big exterior and the double garage we were parked in front of.

"Uh where are we?" I half heartedly asked not really interested but thought I should show a bit of interest

"This, my dear, is our new home." My dad said proudly.

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