Chapter 6- Again, Really?

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Chapter 6

When it came to 10o'clock and my parents weren't home I decided to go to bed. I turned off the TV programme I wasn't really watching and made my way up to my room.

I took a quick shower to soothe my already high senses. Got dressed into my fluffy pyjama pants and one of my short sleeved cami soles. I stopped at the door to my room and opened the door. I stared longingly at my bed. God today had taken its toll on me I was sooo tired I bet I could sleep on anything. When I had finally made it to my bed I fell instantly to sleep.


The dream of him came again, that green-eyed black haired boy that looked ever so familiar. This time it was different though, yes we were still at the opposite sides of the hotel lobby but something was different.

I was staring at him, he turned to look right where I was stood but saw right through me. His conversation pulled his attention and I felt like I was being dragged or pulled by a string towards his table. I reached the table to be greeted by his scent, a strong smell of the sea. Wait there was something else too, kind of like Lillie's. Lillie's? That's odd.

"She's resurfaced in America again." One of the two men who was sat with my mystery dream-man. He looked around 30, the man that spoke, and had already started moulting as in he had a bold spot on his crown.

"Are you positive it's her?" Dream-boy replied, leaning in a little as if hearing something from the other men.

"Of course we are, After all we are the ones who follow her and her disgraceful parents around the bloody world." The second, more chubby man replied seeming a little frustrated. "And all you do is sit around in you oh-so-high chair and do nothing." I hardly had time to blink before a knife was at the man's throat.

"One more word out of you and you will never speak again." Dream-boy said through clenched teeth as the man with the blade against his throat gulped and gave a slight nod in response.

"Look, he don't know what he's saying I mean he hasn't slept for a good 30 hours." The bald man pleaded tentatively. This man was wearing a tailor made suit.

Dream-boy slowly lowered the blade and went back to his seat straightening incredibly.

"So tell me more about where she is."

"She goes to South Carolina Seals, and she also lives in South Carolina." The bald man in his suit said with a nervous smile.

"South Carolina." Dream-boy put his hand on his chin as if calculating something. "That's not far from here." He slid a piece of paper he'd scribbled on in front of the two men. Was that a check? I thought to myself. The men looked at each other then back to dream-boy.

"Don't you want to know where she lives?" The second man said with a small chuckle at the end but that was cut short as dream-boy picked up what looked like a knife and ran it across his throat. It all happened s fast that i thought I'd imagined it, if it weren't for the blood seeping out the guy's neck.

Dream-boy was definitely fast, very fast, and he kept his word. The man will definitely not be speaking ever again. Dream-boy wiped the knife and placed it back on the table.

"Bonum diem tibi graba sint vesperum." And with that it ended and I sat bolt up-right in my, now soaked, bed breathing hard.


(Bonum diem tibi graba sint vesperum- Latin for- good day, may you have a pleasant evening)

Sorry this one is a short one but I thought it was a good one and best to be said on its own. Quite happy with this one just hope you guys are.

Love Chelsi xx

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