Chapter 8- New Dawn, New Day.

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Heya, before i go into the next installment i would like to dedicate this chapter to a fellow newbie and a good friend of mine who has wanted me to upload this next part . Aleahmartin you are amazing!! thank you for the support honey!!

right lest get this story going shall we :)

Love Chelsi xx


Chapter 8

"Beth! Hey wait up!" Cilia shouted as she jogged to meet me at the front entrance to school. I stopped and tuned to greet Cilia with a smile and a hug.

"Hey Cilia, how are you this morning?" I let go her to see her flushed face, I hope it was because of the jog she just did and not anything that was behind me. I checked behind me anyway I mean just in case there was something embarrassing that I didn't know about. Phew, nothing there.

"I'm...well you see..." she sighed. "I'm okay" she smiled weakly hoping I wouldn't question her.

"Ok that's good Cilia. So are we still okay for Saturday?"

"Yeah... about that, I can't do it this weekend cause I've gotta do some babysitting. My neighbours are going out so they asked if I could look after their kids."

"Oh, ok. Its cool maybe we could do it some other time then?" She smiled and nodded eagerly. while looping her arm through mine she led us to home room.

Once in home room we started talking about the most normal things it felt odd, but great. However, with all this normal stuff there was a question nagging at the back of my mind.

"Hey Cilia?" stopping her mid sentence.

"Yes Beth?" her voice was strained more to the fact I'd interrupted her.

"You know the library?" her face paled but she nodded.

"What... How does it seem to you?" she thought hard about her next answer to the point I thought she wouldn't answer.

"To me, it's like a normal library. Why?" I took a deep breath before my response.

"When I first walked into it I felt like it was, in a sense, hypnotising me. It was beautiful." I said it in a hushed tone but most people, well not really people, would be able to hear it.

Her face was still pale. I have to tell her, I have to. I sighed at what I was about to do, but knew it had to be.

Remember when I said I could read minds? Well... I can talk to people through their minds as well. Anyone want to take a guess what I'm gunna do?

Cilia don't freak out. How original. I know you know more then you let out, about this school, the library and people like me.

Cilia's eyes were wide, her mouth was agape and her skin turned the palest of white. "How... you... what?" I shook my head and spoke in her mind again. Don't speak out loud Cilia; think it and I will know what you're saying. I smiled at her kindly. Even though I told her to think what she was going to say it still made no sense and was very confusing. It was like everything in her mind was popping up at me similar to when you get those pop-up spams on the internet.

"Wow Cilia, calm down I can't understand anything going on up there." I motioned towards my head when I said 'up there'. "Just breathe. It's ok."

No I'm fine I just didn't think you could do that. Cilia's thoughts shocked me as I realised she was actually calm and thinking straight. It made me laugh at the irony of her statement though, and that is just what I did. I laughed, hysterically more like.

"Why are you laughing?!" she was squealing at this point and everyone was staring at her, but more at me doubling over.

Because what you said was so ironic. I thought to her as I laughed harder. Oh, she said. Well thought, then she laughed with me as she got how ironic it was. God we have very dry humour but it works for us.

Love...Always. Book One of the Witchhazel Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now