Chapter 16- Here Goes Nothing...

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Warning: some fowl language in this chapter

Chapter 16

Unknowns POV

Why am I doing this? I don't feel anything for this girl, it pains me enough that I did that to my mate that I got to rub salt in my wound every single day. Oh why can't I have her? Why can't I just be happy with her instead of being part of this damn prophecy!? Curse my father for his fucking pride, he just can't stand the thought of me being mated to the most gorgeous human I've ever met... No, I can't let it show. I can't let how much this hurts change what has got to happen. Maybe I could use my ability too... No stop thinking about her and her petit form and her jet black hair and those big beautiful eyes... Stop it! No, no nooo. Get a grip man, I told myself, you've lived without a mate for the past 17 years don't start being a whipped dog just because of 1 human girl!

I walked home feeling angry with myself and frustrated about what I did, past and present. I looked at my surroundings and realised I was where SHE hangs around... On her own... Her special place... Our special place. Before I knew it I was in front of her staring into her beautiful brown eyes. She was about to speak and I panicked. I ran. Ran from myself, ran from my life and ran just because I couldn't face her. Not yet. After my job is done, I hoped it was soon because I can't wait much longer before I break down and melt into her. Oh just to feel every crevice on her body was just too much to think about, I nearly broke there and then but I found myself at my house. Father staring down at me with disappointment, anger, and shame in his eyes. I flinched at the mere force of his glare.

"In. This. House. Now." his voice made me cower away but I did as he said, although his tone of voice can't be a good sign. Did he see me go to her? Does he know I want to be with her? Many questions flew through my mind as I entered the living room. The house was quaint, small but quaint you wouldn't get lost in it I can tell you that. You also can't hide in it either. My father sat down on the single seat sofa and retained his regal persona.

"Where's mom?" I said trying to keep him from detecting my nervousness.

"Out." was all he said.

"So, how was..."

"Don't seem so coy about this boy!! You could've ruined everything!!! First it was that human and now you've got a demon watching you!!!! You are a disgrace to this family, I should've be done with you when you were born!!" he stood up from the chair nearly pushing it over in the process. His finger was positioned an inch away from my face, I resisted the urge to cower away from him." You put shame upon this family! I don't know why I call you my son!! Now get out of my sight!"

I ran to my room, like I always did after father let loose on me. I should've left when I had the chance, but nooo I had to re- think things and give in.

You could still go now, she still wants you... The voice in my head cooed at me but I knew that already. I just couldn't put her through that again.


Bethany's POV

"Mom! Dad! You home?" I shouted as I walked through the front door, locking it. I got no answer, so I trudged my way through the house into the kitchen. I got a glass of orange juice and made way for the stairs. I stopped by the lounge door, I heard murmurs coming through it. I thought they weren't home?

I leaned my head against the door to listen.

"... I knew we shouldn't have moved here, it was too much of a risk and I knew she'd hear about it sooner or later I just didn't think it would happen so quick." my moms voice protruded though to my ears, she sounded nervous and a bit angry. I've never heard her like this before.

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