Chapter 1- Meeting People

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Chapter 1

His eyes were a beautiful shade of green with flecks of blue that made them look like a Mediterranean ocean. He was rather muscular but not like those work-out addicts, his features were so defined by his clothes that they seemed to hug his god-like body. His hair was black with a hint of dark brown.

He was standing on the opposite side of the room. Well, it was a hotel lobby really but a room all the same. But anyway, he was stood by a table with other people; laughing, joking and just being sociable. He was wearing a black polo shirt and snugly fit jeans with converse.

Myself on the other hand was sat on my own staring at him. No idea why though, but my light brown hair was in a messy state as though I just got out of bed. You would've thought that since it was my dream I would look more presentable but nooo, not with my turtle neck jumper, baggy trousers and for some reason, slippers. Odd right.

I couldn't stop looking at his face though, especially when he smiled. I don't know if his friends saw it but whenever he smiled it never reached his eyes. His eyes looked empty, deprived of happiness and all I felt was to comfort him and show him happiness.

He felt my gaze on him and he turned to stare right back at me. Everything around us started to go out of focus and disappearing until all that was left was him and me. Staring into each other's eyes like we just clicked, like we were two pieces coming together for the first time. Looking into his eyes I noticed that his eyes were so soft and full of love when he continued to hold my gaze.

After what seemed like forever he spoke" I will find you my angel" his voice was a melody to my ears with its deep sensual tone. He smiled and everything went black. I woke up all hot-n-bothered bolt upright in my bed.


"Bethany! Come on or you're going to be late for your first day of school" my mom shouted from downstairs. I guess now you know what my name is, I'm 16 and have been shipped across near enough every country you can think of. Sometimes I don't even bother to unpack because my mom and dad decide to get going again.

This time they have promised that we will stay in South Carolina for my senior year, the whole of it. I don't really believe that so I'm not getting my hopes up.

My parents are botanist's which, for those who don't know what that is, means they study plants. But this is bad for me because they have to move all over the world to find those plants. Sometimes that sucked, no actually it did suck.

My parents are also one of the rarest pairs you will ever meet. You wanna know why... because my mom is a werewolf and my dad is a witch. So I guess that makes me the rarest supernatural ever. Most people would think that being a witch and a werewolf is the most amazing thing that could ever happen to anyone, but to tell you what it's not all sunshine and rainbows. You are aware of every-freaking-thing that goes on around you, that's a wolf thing, but it doesn't help when it is amped up by witch powers. However, being a witch is totally awesome because not everyone has same abilities as for me I'm very good at telepathy. All withes get certain training in how to use spells herbs and potions.

Although I gotta say that having telepathy and heightened senses gives you a massive headache, so I had to put up a barrier to keep everyone's thoughts out and my head in one piece. With my barrier I can control whose mind I want to enter, kind of like spying but I don't care.

Anyway, back to the present shall we.

As I moaned and groaned at having to start yet another first day of school, I got out of my bed and went over to the boxes that I still hadn't unpacked and looked for the box that said 'Bethany's clothes'. I started to go through it to find something that didn't compliment any of my wolf-y good looks.

Love...Always. Book One of the Witchhazel Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now