Chapter 10- From One Set Of Questions To Another.

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You guys already know i've been on holiday for the past few weeks. But what you don't know is that i've been holding out on you ;). And since i'm being nice and had my fun i am going to grace you with the next installment. i had A LOT of fun writing this one and hope you guys enjoy it as much as i have ;)

Love Chelsi xx

Chapter 10

When we made it into the house I showed Cilia to the bathroom, showed her how the shower worked and said that I'd drop some clothes off for her outside the door. I went to my room to grab some clothes for Cilia and finding a pair of slacks and a T-shirt I put them where I said I would. I also put a pair of socks in the pile to; mom has a thing about feet on hard wood floors.

I placed my things into my room and sat onto my bed. I looked at my hand still holding onto the piece of paper Cilia gave me that Ceribus gave her. A mouth full but it's what happened. Unclenching my hand I took out the slip of paper and unfolded it. I saw that his handwriting was a very old style but was lovely.


I hope I will get to see you very soon and that you are well. I am looking forward to joining you at school Monday.

Ceribus x

The other side had his number on it. I got out my phone and added it to my contacts. Should I send him a text? Or should I leave it?

Hey Beth, I'm good to go now. You going in? Great timing Cilia. She interrupted my train of thought.

Yeah Cil, I'm going in. If you go down the stairs and to your left you'll find the kitchen, help yourself to a drink or if you're hungry. I sent her a warm smile through to her mind as well. I could hear her skipping with glee as she headed for the stairs. You would've thought she doesn't eat with how fast she ran down the stairs. I guess I'll text him later then.

I got off my bed and went to the bathroom. The bathroom was a couple doors down from where my room was, it was a big room with a bath and a shower in it. The floor was filled with red tiles and everything else was different shades of purple. I swear this is one of the rooms I hate, with a passion. It's just too... Girly. I prefer the more earthy colours like brown, orange, red and deep greens. However, there is a time and a place for purple and the only one that I have is my beloved purple mini. The shower was in the far right corner in a cubicle, yeah we have the one that has half glass and half tinted so that when people accidentally come in the wont exactly see much that could get into an awkward situation. The bathtub was not far from it, if I'm honest I thought it looked more like a mini hot-tub, it was a deep shade of purple and shiny. Probably because Cilia had used it not so long ago.

Right so the big question: do I feel like a bath or shower? Hmmmmm, shower. It was way quicker and also it wasn't purple, well all purple. I shut the door and started striping myself of my, now clinging clothes. Turning the shower on I put my hand in to judge how warm/hot the water is. I do like hot showers but sometimes a cold one is more refreshing, in my opinion anyway. Let's have an in-between one! My little conscience squaled at me. I swear sometimes I think my mental age is 5, but it was a really good idea. I jumped in when I liked the temperature and began my 5 steps of cleansing. I can tell most of you would be thinking '5 steps? You kidding?' but I am serious when I'm in a shower or bath I will clean my whole body twice, wash my hair twice and finally condition my hair. Hey presto! There's your 5 steps. In the shower/bath is probably the only times when I have a system whereas if I do anything else I just learn on the go and improvise.

I got out of the shower grabbing a towel off the towel rack, by the shower of course, and wrapped it around my slender, wet form. I gathered all my wet clothes from the floor and went to my room to get into something that is more covering. Dumping the clothes into my wash basket I went to my wardrobe, during my blank stage I started unpacking my stuff and arranging my room so that it was more me. The wardrobe was built into the wall but to my disappointment it wasn't a walk-in wardrobe, it took up most of my left wall and consisted of a lot of shelves, 2 bars for hanging clothes, and a few draws for 'necessities'. I reached for an overly sized top and got out another pair of slacks for myself, they were similar to the ones I gave Cilia but these ones were my favourite pair. I was now in 'chill mode' and would possibly be more co-operative.

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