Chapter 18- A New Lesson Learned.

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Chapter 18

Beth's POV

The interior was just amazing. It's like everything in the house had a mind of its own. Seriously, I felt like I'd just entered Hogwarts! It was amazing. Everything lit up when my grandma entered, the lights came on, warmth filled the air, brooms and mops started cleaning, the dishes were washing themselves and they were cooking by themselves. Grandma had to push me into the house because I wasn't moving, I was in a state of awe that I'm sure was obvious by my jaw dropped expression.

"Would you like something to drink dear?" Grandma asked, pulling me out of my daze.

"Uh.. Um" I cleared my throat. " Yes please." My grandma flicked her wrist towards the fridge, and yes the is such thing a technology in this uhh dimension, a bottle of milk came out of the threshold but it stopped half way as Angela held her hand up as a sign to stop.

"Sorry dear, but do you prefer skimmed or full cream?"

A little gob-smacked I replied. "Uuh full cream please." she smiled sweetly and motioned for the milk to continue its journey towards us. One of the top cupboards opened revealing many polished glasses, plates and bowls. A glass was lifted from the cupboard. Then the oven opened and cookies came out! Oh My Gawd! COOKIES! I love this woman! And this kitchen. My mouth started drooling at the thought of hot chocolate chip cookies and milk. I could get used to this... Don't... Eat.. It...

A shiver went down my spine as the voice came back into my mind, it sounded all gravelly and like a dying sound. It's... A... Trap....

"Is something wrong dear?" Angela looked at me with worried eyes. I smiled at her.

"Yeah I'm fine, can I have two cookies please." I made the hand gesture as well to mask my sudden sense of loss. She gave me a small smile in return and waved her hand towards the oven. I caught the milk in my right hand and held out my left so the cookies dropped onto it.

"Follow me child, I'll show you around." she walked forward through the kitchen/diner and into another room that was full of antique looking armchairs and big sofas, a few coffee tables with intricate designs on the legs and table tops, and in the middle of the right wall was a huge fireplace. On my left was a hollow in the wall with, what looked like, steps going up to the top floor. Angela made a wide gesture.

"This is my home, my life has been in this house, as has my children's beginning." She smiled adoringly at her surroundings."There are so many memories here..." I yawned a little, making my face go red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." I said through the yawn. " I guess I'm ready to drop off hehe."

"Yes of course, I shall show you to your room." she lead the way upstairs, that hollow in my left was a staircase that led up into the a small set of corridors, at the top of the stairs the landing went off in both directions. Angela took me down to the right so I couldn't tell where the left corridor went. There was no lighting along the dark walls, well none that I could see.


Cheryl's POV

Light burst through my eyelids, causing me to moan and reach to my left. I was expecting to feel Cole's sleeping form but was met by nothing. I shot up but I had to shield my eyes from the bright light that seemed to come from everywhere. The ache in my back reminded me that I wasn't home in my bed, I was nestled in a mossy bed under a great willow tree. Now I remember... I was running... Something tried to follow me, but who? And Joey! What happened to him?

Breathe woman! I don't want a heart attack at this day and age, I'm too young. My wolf said with a smug tone.

I slowed my breathing down a little. Well what do you expect me to do!? Not panic? Think oh look we're in Thallion let's have a party? Uh uh you got another thing coming sister.

Love...Always. Book One of the Witchhazel Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now