Chapter 5- New People, New Attitudes

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Chapter 5

I found Cilia just outside the gym doors waiting for me.

"How was your class Cilia?" I asked her. She gave me a uninterested noise and started off towards the library. Oooo the library. Maybe I should go somewhere else.

"Hey Cilia? Is it ok if I do some exploring so I know where I'm going without anyone holding my hand?" I asked Cilia as I got close enough so no one else could eavesdrop. She shrugged and walked faster towards the library. What is wrong with Americans these days? I stopped in my tracks to get my bearings. I was roughly stood in the middle of the courtyard next to a big willow tree and a couple benches neatly placed around it. On my left was the library building, behind me was the gym, in front of me was the Geography and Home room building and to my right was the building with the maths room in it. Right, so what I do now? I felt very lost in the sea of people.

"Are you going anywhere?" I jumped at the new voice that came from behind me.

"Jesus Christ are you trina give me a heart attack?!" I growled at the boy stood before me. He wore glasses, nice full head of light brown hair, and looked really sweet. It may just be me but people only look 'sweet' or 'cute' when they are in primary school or nursery. He was in a plaid shirt, tucked into his black trousers and with all the buttons done up on it. I tried very hard, very very hard, not to laugh there and then at his attire but I really couldn't help myself. I was bent over in a fit of giggles as he looked totally confused at my outburst.

"Nice to know I can make someone laugh, even though I don't know how." He extended a hand towards me as I calmed down my giggle fit. "Shane. Shane King, and you are?" I took his hand and replied with my name.

"Bethany, Bethany Burrows. Nice to meet you Shane." I said in my most polite tone while letting go of his hand.

"Your new here right?" Shane stated but framed it as a question. I nodded.

"So what does one do at times like this?" I asked using my arms to gesture around us.

"What... oh you mean lunch. Well unless you can't tell by the amount of people walking towards that building." He pointed towards the building with the maths room in it and I saw masses of people entering it."The canteen is in that building. Well actually you can eat your lunch out here if you have a lunch box but most people like to sit in the canteen and eat lunch with their 'possy'." He used his fingers to quote the word 'possy'.

"So what do you do?"

"I si... uh I sit, sit right here on this bench. By this tree. On my own. No one else sitting there." He looked extremely awkward all the way through his explanation.

"Ookaayy, whatever. Well enjoy your lunch with your 'possy'." I mocked the way he emphasised 'possy' and walked off towards the growing number of people walking into to building where the canteen is. I followed them through the twists and turns of the school walls until I came to a pair of automatic glass doors. Why aren't all their doors like this?

Wow. It's like something off of mean girls. And no I did not watch that shallow perspective of how schools work, well I didn't watch it all. But still, there were clicks of people at 6 seater benches, although some people pushed 2 benches together to fit the whole group around it.

"Hello Beth." Gregorio, I thought with a scowl.

"Hello Gregorio. What do I owe the pleasure?" I added sarcasm to get the point across that it soo wasn't a pleasure. He slid an arm around my waist and his warm hand felt cold against my already hot body temperature.

"Come with me Beth I want to introduce you to some of my friends." I didn't have a chance to give him a sarky remark as he pulled me towards the middle 3 benches. Oh sugar honey ice tea. There were around 10 people sat around the benches. 3 were vampires, 4 were werewolves, 1 was a fairy, and the remaining 2 were human. How strange, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

Love...Always. Book One of the Witchhazel Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now