Chapter 1- Just My Luck

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POV: Sydney

Shit God damn...

I'm so stupid. Like really, what is wrong with me.

I'm going to fail it. I'm going to fail the test, then fail the class and then I'll be held back, then I won't graduate on time and then I won't get into Purdue.

I'm doomed.

How the fuck did I forget that Finals were this week?!

Only I would forget. Everyone else is smart enough to know about it, but I seem to remember right before bed at 12:00.

Smooth Sydney.

I stupidly stayed up until this ungodly hour on Vine. The hours flew by without me even noticing.

Think Sydney, you need to study.

I jumped out of bed as if it were ablaze, dragged my bag off the desk, and flung it onto the bed with a muffled thump.

I ripped out my folder and started going through the papers looking for my biology study guide.

No. I didn't-


I tore out all the paper from my folder and went through them at least 10 times. I also dumped out the entire contents of my bag onto the bed.

I have a ton of shit... I thought absentmindedly, I should really clean it.... STOP IT! Focus.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Who do I know that is in my biology class and wouldn't mind me calling them at 12:11 at night....


I grabbed my phone and started typing furiously telling her I need a picture of the study guide. Then I realized that she sleeps through texts.... I'll have to Skype her. If I'm lucky she has phone turned up and on the iHome.

I went back to the home screen and looked for Skype.

Wait a minute, I got a new phone. Which means... Skype isn't on here... Shit.

I quickly downloaded the app and clicked on it.


Now I have to make a whole new account... Today is just not my day...

After I had verified the email and all that shit accounts make you go through I finally got to the home screen.

Now I need her email....

Ummmmm I remember it having to do with school.... And being cool...

I typed in

I couldn't remember if she spelled her school with a k or not but I can try both...

Don't laugh at me.... but I can't work the mobile version of Skype and cannot find whether it was a valid email or a name or a anything....

The only way to find out was to call.

I crossed all my fingers and toes and prayed it wasn't a creep.

I pushed to call button and waited, impatiently tapping my finger on the side of my phone.

The screen blooped and bleeped the weird music that Skype emanates when calling.

Finally, after what seemed like forever the screen stopped spinning and went black. It said that she had answered. It's probably just dark in her room.

"Ginger!" I hissed quietly trying not to wake my siblings in the other room.

"Wake up!" I hissed a bit louder. She could fall asleep within 3 seconds, no exaggeration.

"I need your biology study guide!" I explained, "I might've accidentally-"

I broke off as soon as bright light flooded the screen making me squint to see, but the face she saw was not Gingers... nor was it even female. Groggy brown eyes looked back at me trying to focus.

"No. Fucking. Way..... Cameron Dallas...?"

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