1.5: In Which She Flies

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     391 digs her heels into the ground in an attempt to stop the Brutes from forcing her any further.

     It was pointless though for they were much stronger than her and simply responded to her protest by picking her up by an arm each and carrying her down the halls.

     Fuck them, she ground out bitterly in her head. Fuck them and fuck this place.

      The blindfold they'd tied over her eyes remained stubbornly in place, her arms aching from the grip of their hands as they hefted her along like a bag of potatoes.

     She can't ignore the lump in her throat; the fear of what was to come. The tests they'd done on her less than Twenty-four hours ago remained fresh in her memory. The crease of her arm still aches from injections, prodding, and the slice from where they'd cut her.

     A door opens.

     One of the Doctors greet her.

     Her feet touch the ground. She gulps, insides twisting.

      "Take her over to the platform," a male orders. She recognises him but can't put a name to the voice.

      She's lifted again, carried in an unknown direction.

      Instinctively, she kicks out, desperate to make contact with anythingHoping it'd give her a chance to run if she catches them off guard.

     She doesn't.

     And then her feet are on the ground once more, their hands leaving her.

     391 freezes, unsure.

     Her fingers twitch, wanting to reach up and remove the blindfold but not confident enough to actually do it. Arms reaching out, she tries to feel for anything to help ground herself but comes up with nothing.

     Where the fuck was she?

     What should she do?

     And then ground underneath her begins to hum, vibrations makings her toes feel funny, and she releases a squeak as she finds herself moving.


     Holy shit.

     For a moment she considers that maybe she can actually fly.

     But, no – wait.

      The platform is still solid under her feet, lifting her upwards like an elevator.

     She goes into a crouch, arms out by her sides in an attempt to keep her balance.

     "If I was you, I'd be careful," the Scientist calls up, his voice lacking concern. "There's no railings to stop you from falling." He mumbles something else under his breath, too quiet for her to hear.

     It feels like forever until she reaches the top, her breaths coming out in short pants.

     It all goes silent; The machine, the mumbles of the Scientist and Brutes below her.

     Her mouth goes dry.

     What was going to happen next?

      The not knowing was somehow worse than anything.

     Suddenly something touches her waist and she jumps in fright, instinctively pushing her hands out in an attempt to defend herself.

     What the fuck was that?

     It felt like a – a belt.

     Reaching down confirms her thoughts.

     But why had they put that on her?

     Who had put that on her?

     She was women enough to admit that she was freakin' terrified.

     "Hello?" She calls out weakly.

     No response.

     Fuck this.

     Gritting her teeth, she does what her father always told her.

     Don't get scared; get angry.

     "You're really beginning to piss me the fudge off," she growls, voice sounding much stronger than she felt in that moment.

     But oh well.

     Fake it until you make it.

     It's quiet again and she's ready to scream out in frustration when -

     "Boo!" The word is spoken loudly into her ear.

     "Fu-" her curse breaks off into a glass-shattering scream as she automatically steps away from the voice only to find her foot supported by nothing.

     Just air.

     She loses her balance.

     And then-

     She's flying.

     Oh god, oh god, oh god!

     391 didn't fly like a plane, or like a bird.

     Instead she flew through the air like a rock being dropped from a tall building.

     Her limbs move frantically as if they could somehow catch onto something, or maybe slow her descent.

     Oh, god, oh god, oh god.

      I'm going to die!

     I'm going to-

     Her thought remains unfinished as her body slams against the floor, somehow shoulder first. The letter 'F' hisses from between her lips where she bites down, hard, in too much pain to even finish the curse repeating over and over in her head.

     Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkk.

     She doesn't remember if she'd ever had a dislocated shoulder before but she's sure she has one now. Only, she's too grossed out by the idea of it that she can't bring herself to touch it – to check.

     "Hmm. How disappointing," the Scientist sighs. "Maybe you just need a bit more encouragement, yes?"

     Before she can tell him to shove something questionable up his ass, there's the sound of a switch, and then the hum of a machine. Similar to the elevator but more...repetitive somehow.

     Then there's a pressure against her waist.

     Her hips leave the floor, quickly followed by the rest of her.

     Fingers claw desperately at the ground for something to grab.

     But there's nothing.

     And they're raising her back up again.

     "Don't– oh god, please – just don't-" she babbles, tears building in her eyes from the pain in her arm. If it hurts now, she can't imagine how it's going to feel in a moment.

     She holds it close to her body, covering it with her other hand and arm, offering it what little protection she could.

     Angry and terrified tears fall from her eyes, wetting the blindfold.

     She feels helpless.



     Suddenly, the lifting stops.

     She holds her breath, a sob catching.

     And then she's falling again.

     A scream tears through her throat.

     She hits the floor again.

     ...And again...and again...before she finally blacks out.

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