1.17: In Which He's Clueless

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      The clink of 391's spoon filled the awkward silence as it hit the side of the bowl.

      254 keeps his head down, staring at his own breakfast. He doesn't feel hungry. Too much on his mind.

       How could he be such a fucking idiot?

       He'd heard the conversation between 391 and Ashley. Knew what Ashley was doing and he hated her for it. For hurting 391 like that. For flaunting it in her face.

       But what he hated most was just how true some of her words were. 

       254 had slept with the semi-attract female Doctor. The Beast had been repulsed by it at the time, and even more so now. The damn thing wouldn't shut up in his head. As if 254 didn't feel guilty enough –he had to go and make it worse.

       Ashley had lied about a lot of it though. He hadn't been the one to come onto her; it was the other way around. And he hadn't given in easy. It had taken almost a year and he'd only done it after a particularly bad session and he'd needed to forget.

       He wanted to tell 391 this, try and make it up to her, get her to understand because had it been the other way around and 391 had slept with...The Beast snarls, blood, flesh and pure rage flickering in his eyes at the thought.


       He'd fucked up so bad.

       What she must have been thinking of him...254's heart hurt.

       Had he fucked this up before they'd even got anywhere? He wasn't blind – he knew there was something between them – he was just a dumb-ass.

        He takes a breath, parts his lips in an attempt to explain himself only to fall short of words.

       There's nothing he could say to make her feel better. Not with that hurt look on her face.

        Maybe time would fix it.

         He just hopes that it doesn't take too long. She didn't sleep properly last night. Slept in her own bed instead of where she belonged – in his arms. He missed her there. He knew she did too.

        A pang shoots through him. It's all his fault.

       The Beast whimpers, pacing, wanting to comfort his mate but knowing she was angry. He felt restless. Helpless.

       I know the feeling, buddy.

       Beast growls at him and 254 backs down. Guess The Beast wasn't talking to him either.


      391 continues to eat in silence.


      Shortly after the awkward as hell breakfast, they come for her.

      Same room, different day.

       Luckily Ashley wasn't present this time.

      "I want to do this alone," 391 tells Frank before he can say anything. He looks taken back. She doesn't care. "Just to see if I can. Ok?"

      I'm going to be alone through this from now on anyway. Might as well start somewhere, she thinks with a heavy heart.

       He doesn't object, simply gives her a go ahead gesture.

      She decides to sit down, not enough energy to keep her standing. Crossing her legs, she straightens her back, closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before resting her hands on her knees, palms up.

        391 knows her ability is triggered by strong emotions. So she starts there.

       Remembering yesterdays conversation, she grits her teeth, feeling the whirl wind of anger, hatred, hurt and betray fill her.

       Heat trails down her arms to her finger tips. Not as intense as it usually feels – maybe because she was more in control this time. Peering one eye open, she gasps and smiles.

       She'd done it.

       And it had been so fucking easy, surprisingly so.

      "Well." Frank sounds as shocked as she feels. "That was...impression, 391. I guess Ashley did some good work yesterday."

      The flames flicker. "Ashley," she mocks the name. "Did fuck all yesterday except go into a detailed explanation of how 254 fingered her in your lab."

      391 feels the heat turn up higher and tells herself to calm down before she loses the control she'd just managed to gain.

      And...she may have added a tiny lie to the last part but fuck it, she really wanted to get Doctor Ashley into trouble.

      Franks eyes narrowed and nostrils flared. "Continue with what you're doing," he says instead of commenting on her words.

       Ok, now I just need to learn how to turn this off...

       She closed her eyes again, tries to concentrate on turning the flames off. Imagines ice cold water being thrown on her, cooling her skin down, killing the fire...

       Much to her disbelief, it works.

       "What the fuck," she whispers to herself. How?

      How did she manage to do this so quickly, when yesterday it took her two hours?!

       Guess I shouldn't really complain...

       "Again," Frank demands.


     391 managed to do it two more times before her excitement got the better of her and her control was lost. Frank was pleased with her quick progress and sent her back to her room for some rest.

      Rest...yeah right.

      It's still awkward when she enters the room. 254 doesn't seem sure whether to greet her or not. She just wordlessly shakes her head and he gives her a sigh and a nod before laying back against the bed.

        Her insides squeeze. He looks lost and she almost wants to comfort him. Did she even have a right to be so angry over this?

       She misses him.

       Wants to tell him how well she did today but he probably already knew.

       Still, she wanted to talk to him about it...A image of him and Ashley kissing flashes through her mind...No, she couldn't speak to him.

       With a heavy heart, she collapses onto her bed and hugs her pillow. His blanket was there. He'd given it to her last night when she stayed on her bed instead of his. She inhaled it's scent, wishing she knew howto fix this. How not to feel so betrayed.

       She blows out a shaky breath. Wills herself not to cry – he'd hear it.

       An hour of silence passes before 254 gets the courage to speak.

      "Baby-" he hesitates. Her chest pounds. "391..." he murmurs. Heaves a frustrated breath. "Proud of you."

       She squeezes her eyes shut. Debates on whether or not to reply but finally goes with a quiet, "Thanks."

       They're nowhere near fixed, but it was a start. 

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