1.27: In Which Its Time

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     She didn't sleep.

     Her thoughts kept her awake. Pictures of 254 hurt, alone, angry... making love with his new breeding partner. Her having sex with 81. They all twisted at her. 

     81's loud snoring and muttering didn't help either.

     The morning came too quickly. They brought them breakfast which she didn't dare touch.

     "Not hungry, lovey?" 81 asks around a mouthful of scrambled egg. He sat on his bed with his back against the wall.

     She mirrored his position, tray in front of her. "No way. That...stuff could be in there." She had often wondered if that's how they'd drugged her the first time.

     He gulps down his eggs. "It's not in the food, love. They don't have to be secretive about it. We know what's expected of us. They'll use the sexy gas."

     She rolls her eyes at his name for it. It sounded ridiculous. Her heart drops into her stomach – she really didn't have much of a choice in this. Eyeing her breakfast...she sighs and gives in, pulling it onto her lap.

     She plays with her eggs. "Do you know when they'll do it?"

     "Soon," he responds softly. "After lunch, usually...then they'll gas the room same time everyday until your fertile week is over."


     "Love..." he sounds hesitant, placing his fork down. "I know you don't want this and I know you want to fight it but...please don't put your life at risk." he pleads.

     She stares down at her plate, not responding.

     He sighs, puts the tray of food next to him and scoots to the edge of his bed. "It won't be easy for either of us. I don't like how it makes me feel, either. But. . .we'll get through it. Together. You're not alone in this, love."


     81 was right.

     As soon as lunch had finished, 391's insides squeezed as purple coloured gas filled the room.

     It's not like she didn't expect it...there was just no way she could have prepared herself for it.

     81 glances at her. "Love..."

     "I know." She doesn't look at him; eyes glued on that fucking gas. "I know, 81." Her thoughts run wild. "Just. . .no kissing."

     The gas reaches halfway, floating around the top of her head.

     It doesn't take long for it to take affect.

     She can feel it. Sweat beads on her skin. The familiar burn pulsing at her core.

     She sits on her bed, legs together. Rubs her wet palms along her thighs. 81 begins to pace, hands on his head. His top is soaked.

     391 knows he's trying to hold off for as long as he can, and she appreciates it.

     Her eyes stay locked onto the door. Begging 254 to turn up and save her because if he didn't...

     How could she tell him what happened?

     I had sex with another guy, she pictures herself saying. Various scenarios follow.

     Him getting so angry he wrecks the room.

     Him hating her. Spraying words of hatred. Blaming her.

     Him killing 81...she hopes he doesn't do that. She liked 81 and he was just as much of a victim as her.

     Him understanding...because he had to sleep with someone else too.

     She blows out a breath and reminds herself not to feel jealous, and not imagine herself setting the bitch he fucked on fire.

     God, how was she supposed to convince 254 not to hurt 81 when she wanted to do exactly the same thing to his possible new breeding partner?

     A hour passes and she has to kick off her trousers; she was feeling too hot and they were getting too wet from her leaking pussy. She hadn't touched herself, either, knowing that it didn't help. The only thing that did was sperm.

     Not wanting to give 81 the wrong impression, she covered herself in her blanket. "How you holding up?" She questioned, voice breathy.

     "I can't-" he chokes, gripping his hair. "Not much longer. It's –it's taking over. I'm - I'm sorry, love." His tone is strained like the lines on his neck.

     She nods knowingly. She felt it, too.

     A huge part of her hoped 254 was going break down the door but she knew that was a silly thought. 

     Neither of them wasn't going to be able to hold out.

     391 felt like she had an oven inside of her and she was going to die –literally – if she didn't get fucked.

     She wanted it. 

     Needed it...

     It was getting so bad she didn't even care if it was with someone other than 254. It twists at her, the betrayal. It felt like an affair. 

     "Love," 81 breathes, voice wrecked. "Can I touch you?"

     391's heart seized. His voice changed so dramatically. It was much darker. Different...not entirely him anymore. 

     God...the dominance...It reminds her of 254. 

    391 sucks in a breath. The thought of him pushing her over the edge. "Yeah." A nod. "Yeah ok."

    It's all the permission he needs. 81 is on her, tearing at the blanket. Her own hands pull at him, bringing him close. It's not long before they both find relief. 

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