1.26: In Which She Has Questions

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     It's takes a moment for his words to register and then she's throwing herself into a sitting position against the wall. "Breeding partner? You can go fucking do one, buddy."

     81 holds up his hands in a calming manner, sitting back on his heels. "Sorry, love. I shouldn't have been so blunt. I didn't mean to scare you. I really am sorry." He looks angry at himself. He blinks suddenly. "Jesus, you really love your old cell mate. 254, right?"

     She'd just been thinking about 254. Was he okay? Did he have a new breeding partner, too? The thought makes her sick. "Are you in my head?" She accuses.

     "Guilty," he admits sheepishly. "I try not to - honest - but when someone is upset they project their thoughts louder and it makes it harder for me to block it out."

     That pipes her interest. "Have you read their mind? Do you know if 254 is okay?" She leans forward slightly, no longer rigid with her back against the wall. "Please, you have to tell me."

     He shakes his head apologetically. "The scientist have had strict mental training. I've never been able to breech their thoughts. I'm sorry, lovey, I don't know anything about 254 and their plans for him."

     She slumps. "God, I can't believe this. Everything was going so well." Tears tickle the bridge of her nose and she rubs her eyes.

     81 eyes widen and a light blush sweeps across his cheeks. "Oh my. Things really were good for you two, huh?"

     She almost face palmed. She'd been thinking of their love making. "Wow. Sorry. That's awkward."

     He clears his throat and offers her a smile. "It's fine." he waves her off. "But jheez, I don't think I'm going to be able to compete against him in the bedroom." The way he wiggles his eyebrows tells her it was meant to be a harmless joke.

     She gives him a glare. "Seriously?"

     "... Sorry. I'm bad at talking. Or being around people in general." His forehead creases.

     "How old are you?" she can't help but wonder.

     "I'm 27, love."

     "Huh. You act younger." The blonde, bouncy curls make him look it, too.

      "I get that alot."

      Her minds travels back to 254. He said he'd come for her but how? As far as she knew, they taken him to another facility and she'd never see him again. Taking a shaky breath, she tells herself to stop. She needed to have a leveled head. "So there's more places like this one, huh?"

     "Yup. 9 in total. Although a few have been destroyed and others are at war."

     "War?" she questions, mind reeling.

     "I don't know too much. Just bits and pieces I have overheard and put together myself. But there's rival labs who'd very much like our facilties gone."


     "I don't know."

     "So there's more people like us?" She had so many questions she didn't know where to begin.

      He looks amused. "Your number is 391... you didn't guess that there was more?"

        She frowns. "254 said-" Wait, did he say it? Or had she assumed it? She couldn't remember. It seemed so long ago now. Her insides hurt. "We were the only two survivors. We thought our numbers were the amount of people taken."

    "Oh no, love. The number is only given to successful subjects. Not the ones who die."

     Her mouth goes dry. "There's 391 of us?"

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