1.31: In Which He Screams

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     254 grits his teeth, a groan ripping out of his throat. The red hot pain in his stomach turned into an throb, and then an ache, as his skin knitted back together.

     "I would almost be disappointed if you stopped killing our new Doctors. It would be less quality time for us, no?" Frank says, placing the machete down he'd just used to tear through 254's chest and stomach.

     In the corner of the room, Pervy guard - James - checks his watch again.

     254 laughs darkly, toes barely touching the ground. "Any chance I get, I'm killing one of you. Just waiting for the day you'll be next."

     "You can dream, 254," the doctor says almost uninterested. He examines the propane torch in his hand. Turns it on and smiles evilly at the blue flame. "Doesn't this remind you of 391?" he pouts mockingly, approaching the Subject.

     "Don't you dare even mention her name," he spits.

     "I don't need to. 81 says it enough for the both of us." He kneels, aiming the tip at 254's chained feet. "Oh 391 you feel so good. Yes, come for me, 391..." he mocks, switching the device on.

     254 thrashes, more from the words than the pain in his feet. He was used to pain. He could deal with it. He couldn't deal with the image of 81 to using his girl, however. "I'll kill you! I rip every fucking vein and tendon from your body like spagetti!"

     "Ooooh. Creative! I might just use that one."

     A sound clicks behind him, drawing his attention away. "Hey!" Frank calls, noticing James was now standing outside of the room, on the other side of the door. He turns off the torch and stands. "What on earth do you think you're doing?!"

     James ignores him, typing at something on the wall until a releasing hiss sounds. He then stands straight, looking smugly through the glass.

     Frank's nostrils flare and he approaches the door, only to find it locked. It rattles as he furiously turns the handle. "James! You'll be punished for this."

     "The narcotic gas supply has been disabled," is all he has to say.


     "I think he's talking to me." The voice in his ear makes his heart jump in fear. A hand appears on his shoulder and he spins round.

     Franks face turns pale when he sees who's behind him. "2-254...How did you-"

     "Looks like your staff is switching sides," he tips his chin to the guard watching intently through the glass.

     James taps on the glass. "You've got ten minutes."

     "And I'm gonna make everyone of them count," 254 growls viciously, eyes swirling gold.

     - -

     The trouble with torturing someone without the ability to heal, is you have to be very careful for them not to pass, or bleed, out. Which is why 254 took the reins - The Beast might have got too excited and Frank would be dead in seconds like Ashley was.

     Another issue is he only has ten minutes which is not enough time to inflict all the gore-filled images he had in his head.

      "Let's start with the first thing you ever did to me, shall we?" 254 thinks out-loud.

      Frank screams as all four of his fingers are sawed through. Blood spurts from the tiny nubs, coating 254, Frank, and the floor.

     Next, he uses the propane torch on his feet. Being shorter than 254, his toes didn't even brush the ground from where he swung by his hands. The Beast snarls gleefully.

     "Don't pass out on me. " 254 places the torch down and stands. "I've got a few questions for you."

      "Five minutes, 254," the guard tells him, now standing inside of the room with Frank tied up and unable to escape.

      "How did you know about my little friend?" he points to his head.
     "You started showing signs of other abilities and it caught our interest," he gasps loudly in pain. "But you always denied it. So we used hypnosis. You told us all about him. It was extrondiary." His face scrunches up and he whimpers. "We thought it would give us an advantage if you thought we were still clueless. So we made you forget about what happened when you were under."

      He nods. Crosses his arms over his chest and didn't give himself time to dwell. There was other questions he wanted answered and honestly, he was surprised Frank was willing. "How many of us are there?"

     "Hundreds," he breathes.

     "Why are you doing this? Why make people into freaks."

     "We are at war."

     "With who?" he pushes.

     "Three minutes," James reminds him.

     "They're like us. But worse. The things they've created..." he grits his teeth, sweat beading on his forehead. His face was beginning to pale from blood loss and 254 knew he didn't have much longer. "They're not human."

     254 really wanted to know more but there's still one more thing he wanted - needed - to do to the evil fucker before he died.

     Walking over to the table, he picks up a serrated machete. "Let's see how you feel having something in your body you didn't consent to."

     Franks eyes widen in fear and he thrashes as 254 stands behind him. "No! Stop! Just kill me!" he begs.

     With a expression of disgust, he yanks down the Doctors pants and almost gags at the sight of his wrinky butt. "This is for my girl and everything you've put her through," he growls before shoving the weapon forcefully up Franks ass.

     - -

     254 wipes the blood off of his hands using Franks lab coat. He eyes the guard, the same one who forced himself onto his girl, and was now apparently helping him.

     "You wanna tell me what's going on?" It's more of a demand than a question.

     As if on cue, an explosion sounds. Both turn into the direction of it before James looks back to 254. "You and your girl are getting out of here. Today."

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