1.20: In Which He Rises To The Occasion

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     A/N: Adult themes. 


     391 didn't feel right.

     She frowns, perching on the edge of her bed and trying to pin point exactly what was so...strange.

     The check up was the same as it usually was... or at least she thinks it was. Nibbling on her lip she recalls Frank's routine and can't find anything out of the norm.

     Sighing, she figures that maybe it's just all in her head. Maybe her dinner from the night before didn't agree with her. Or hell, maybe they'd made her cereal with out-of-date milk.

      She'd have to ask 254 how he was feeling when he returned from...well, wherever the hell they'd taken him to.

     Oh! Wait! It's shower day.

     A tingle starts between her legs at the thought of him, naked...wet...stroking his strong hand down his toned stomach towards his...Her cheeks puff and she blows out a breath.

     Maybe I have enough time if I'm quick enough...

     She glances at the door before jumping up and shimmying her pants down her legs. Keeping them at her thighs just in case she had to pull them up quickly, she sat back down on the bed and slides under the covers for some protection if someone walks in.

      It was naughty, dangerous...and probably an awful idea but she couldn't stop now even if she wanted to. Her pussy longed to be touched, played with and brought to completion...and as if she had no control, she gave into her urges.


     254 frowns, pausing while shampooing his hair.

     His senses were tingling...The Beast trying to tell him something...

     Something good is happening, 254 realises, only he doesn't know what.

     Shrugging it off, he continues with his shower.


    The moment 254 steps into the room, a familiar, sweet, musky smells fills his nostrils.

    It takes him a second to realise that it's her.




    He holds his breath, worried The Beast will break through that barrier with how crazy he's going, but the scent is on his tongue...in his head...blood rushing down south.

     Look at her. Sitting there all innocent. Smiling at me with flushed cheeks. Did she forget about my sense of smell?

     She was dressed, crossed legged on her bed looking happy and satisfied but clueless of how she'd affected him. "Hi. Good shower?"

      "M'hm," he hums because speaking meant breathing and that was a very dangerous thing to do right now. She must have forgotten about his ability to smell things he shouldn't – or maybe she'd thought the scent would be gone by the time he got back – and he didn't want to embarrass her. A woman has needs, after all, and he didn't want to put her off from doing it again.

     Even if he was the one who had to suffer.

     Swiftly he makes his way over to his bed and tries to look casual when he lays down and places his pillow over his face. 

     Finally, he can breathe.

     The scent was still there but not as over-bearing. He could handle it.

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