1.7: In Which He Recovers

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     "You should not have been so harsh on her," Frank Arkson scolds as he checks over her.

     Archelm rolls his eyes, response nasally thanks to the broken nose. "You have already mentioned this. You think I don't know it? It was a simple accident." He shrugs as if he'd just broken someone's favourite coffee mug and not almost killed their second successful Subject. "Anyway. Will she survive?"

     254 grunts of pain echo down the hall. The Doctors ignore him.

     "The swelling has improved. She is no longer at risk." He nods and then pauses. "Have you noticed 254's...protectiveness...over her?"

     "It is hard to miss."

     "He's never warmed up to anyone. And how quickly he seems to like her..." Frank ponders. "It is truly strange. Nevertheless, it is a pleasant surprise which will only aid us."

     Archelm hums. "I think it is time."



      Despite his accelerated healing, 254's body seems to ache with the memory of his torture.

      It's not the first time they've done those things to him; won't be the last. He tells himself this over and over, hoping to stop the aching inside of his body.

     Inside of his head.

      He knew it would take a long time for the scenes to stop playing over and over in his mind. It had taken weeks before and even now he still found himself lost in some kind of daydream-nightmare hell.

      And now he had new ones to add.

      Fucking awesome.

       The guards were escorting him back to his cell. He's not sure how long he spent in that room - tied down, cut open, twisted, repaired before they started all over again – but he guesses it had to be over two days.

      When they shove him inside and bolt the door shut behind him, 254 barely pays attention, his eyes on the wall which separates his and 391's room.

     Or at least, it used to.

      What the fucking fuck?

     254 briefly wonders if the shit they'd injected him with to keep him awake but unable to move was still affecting him. Making him see shit that isn't there. Or was there but now isn't.

     He stumbles forward, still a little unsteady on his legs after what they'd done. A hand reaches out fully expecting to touch a solid wall but instead goes straight through.


     Not crazy then.

     391's room was a mirror image of his own.

     Same colour, same furniture, same door, no windows, same size. If he could fold the rooms in half, they'd line up perfectly.

     Guess they were room mates now.

     The thought irks him. He was used to being alone.

     But at the same time, the beast inside rumbles in approval.

      He likes the idea of being close to her.

      254 didn't understand it. Not sure if he wanted to either. He was used to that dark, ugly part of him being angry and ruthless, wanting blood and pain and revenge.

     Not women.

     Or one woman in particular.

     But whatever.

      Maybe he just wanted to get laid.

     He could try and get some alone time with Doctor Ashley again. She was good-looking enough and had done him well in the past.

     The beast snarls at that, and 254 rolls his eyes although he should have expected the reaction. He'd never liked 254's 'alone time' with her.

      But a man had needs and she'd been more than willing.

     The Beast howls inside of him.

     Nonononono- WrongwrongwrongwrongWRONG.

     "Shut the fuck up," 254 growls at himself. He's used to the angry outbursts in his mind but usually they weren't so loud. "What is wrong with you?" He asks knowing full well he won't get a response.

     The Beast didn't quite work like that.

     It was more feelings than words but 254 understood him well enough to be able to translate it. The Beast was a part of him after all.

     Curiously, he thinks about 391.

      Her cute little nose.

     Her attitude.

     Her curves.

     He'd bet her lips taste sweet.

     Wonders what noises she'd make if he nibbled his way down her neck.

     Anddddd just as suspected, the Beast practically purrs in approval.

      254 snorts.

     So he has a crush, huh?

     Eh, can't say I blame him.

     254 could see the appeal but it took more than a pretty woman for him to warm up to them. Although he suspects The Beast was a big part of the reason why 254 had been acting so protectively of her.

      Why'd painted his knuckles bloody every time she was hurting.

      Why he'd punched Archelm knowing full well he'd get punished.

      Now it made sense.

      He wonders how she is. How she's healing.

      Too lost in his own pain, he hadn't been able to hear anything beyond his own shouts so he didn't have a clue how she was doing.

      But he assumes she's doing well otherwise why would they merge the rooms?

      The thought comforts him and he retreats to his bed so he can rest the phantom aches and pains in his body.

     As he lays there, hands behind his head and eyes closed, he wonders what her reaction will be to their new living arrangement. 

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