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         A/N: Mentions of blood and period. 


          The sudden tangy scent of iron fills his senses and he freezes from his lounging position, gaze shooting over to his new(ish) cellmate.

          She was also on her bed, however unlike his relaxed composure, she was curled up in a ball facing the wall. Yeah, it was definitely coming from her direction. But she didn't look hurt, and it wasn't the same kind of blood smell he was familiar with, and for that reason he didn't rush over there and demand to search her for injuries.

           Mate finished heat cycle, The Beast informs him, followed by an urge to go over and comfort her.

          Heat cycle? 254 wonders, Oh. She's on her period.

          He's also curious if the Scientists had provided her with any feminine products, but wasn't sure how to approach the subject. He didn't wanna embarrass her, but he didn't want her to being too shy to do anything about it because he was in the room. 

          "Baby?" he starts hesitantly, watching as her back goes rigid.

          "Yeah?" She sounds miserable.

          Aw, sweatheart. 

          "You need anything?"

          She doesn't reply for a while, like she's considering whether to answer him or not. "I don't know," she eventually mumbles.

          He holds back a smile. 

          God, she was adorable. 

          Standing up he heads over to the bottom of his bed where a stack of clothes sat. Picks up one of his shirts and grips it, tearing it into strips which he then folds, and then folds again until it resembles a rectangular shape. 

          He hopes it's thick enough.

          He hopes he's not overstepping his boundaries. 

          When he turns, he finds her watching him curiously. He spots the moment her eyes land on the fabric in his hand and what the shape resembles. Her lips form an 'O' and her cheeks begin to flush. 

          Again, he tries not to smile. 

         Oh, man. 

         She needs to stop.

          ...before I fall in love with her. 

          The Beast snorts as if that hadn't happened already; the human was just too stubborn to admit it. 

           He offers her the fabric, kneeling so he's at her eye level. "Don't need to be embarrassed. I'm not one of those guys who freak out 'cause of a little blood-" God knows he's seen enough of it. "-especially when it's coming from a pretty girl."

         That rewards him with a smile and he tells his heart to calm down. 

         She sits up and takes the fabric from him. "This was your shirt," she points out, her voice telling him she can't quite believe he did that for her. 

         He shrugs, stands, and walks over to his bed, giving her some privacy as he examines the white wall. "They'll give me another one. Anyway, those assholes should have stocked you up with supplies for this kind of thing."

        He makes a mental note to have a word with them when they call him in for his examination later today. Maybe even punch one of them; really get his point across.

        There's the sound of rustling as she gratefully uses the strips of fabric as a make-shift pad. The toilet tissue she'd placed in her panties this morning had felt uncomfortable, and she'd been continiously worrying that she was going to leak through. 

          She flushes the tissue and washes her hands, feeling much happier with the softer fabric. "Done," she tells him, crawling onto her bed. She'd ask for real pads when she gets called for her examination. "Thank you," she says, no longer facing the wall, and watching as he got back into his lounging position. "Really."

         His first thought is: Anything for you, and it's then he realises just how much trouble he was in. 

          "Yeah," he clears his throat. "Of course." 

          I'm so fucked.

          The Beast just rumbles happily in response. 

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