1.13: In Which She Was Wrong

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          Several things happen at once.

          The drill drops to the ground.

          The guard backs up.

          Doctor Archelm disappears in a ball of fire.

          Her hands remain alight; skin hot but somehow not painful nor uncomfortable.

          Screams and shouts fill the air. Hers and the Doctor's. Behind her, a gasp.

          254 spits blood from his mouth and expresses a holy shit!

          391's wide eyes flicker from the flames on her hands to the man she'd set on fire.

         The scientist was panicking; dropping to the ground in an failed attempt to extinguish it. The frenzied rolling didn't affect the unnatural flames at all. The sprinkles didn't even come on. In the back of her mind she noted that the fire didn't produce any smoke.

     And then, suddenly, Doctor Archelm's screams stopped as did his movement.



     He was dead.

     She'd killed him.

     "Oh my god," she whispers, eyes panicked. Her gaze cuts back to her burning hands, still engulfed inflames. "I didn't mean to - I don't know how to stop it!"

     She falls to her knees, heart racing.

     What if she can't stop it?

     Oh god, she'd killed someone!

     "I'm going to radio Doctor Arkson," Gavin speaks from the hall, having placed himself just outside of the room.

     "No!" 254 shouts. "What'd you think he's gonna do, huh? He'll gas the room. Who's to say that shit will stop her ability? Last thing we need if her knocked out and on fire."

     A pause. "Okay, fine. I'll give you ten minutes to calm her otherwise I'm calling him."

     254 turns his attention to the girl on the ground, wishing desperately that he could get to her.

     "Baby, calm down," 254 tells her softly but firmly. "It's okay, yeah? You're safe. I'm safe.  Just breathe, sweetheart."

     "I-I can't!" she's breathing heavily, almost sobbing. "I can't stop it. Oh god –ohgodohgodohgod."





     "Baby, please." You're killing me here. "Deep breath. It's okay. It's fine."

     She remains the same and he curses, cutting his eyes over to Gavin.

     "Get me down from here," he orders. "I can't calm her like this."

     "Shit, man, I don't know..."

     "Lock us in if you have to," he tries to convince, tone impatient.

     Gavin's nod is hesitant, grabbing the door handle. "Ten minutes," he reminds before closing it, locking him outside of the room. He watches them closely through the window as he talks into his ear-piece.

     254 pays him no mind.

     Seconds later, his hands are released and he lands unsteadily on his feet before stumbling over to her.

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