1.22: In Which They Make Love

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     391 chokes on her own spit hearing his words. "Jesus. I don't even think I can again..."

     She was still so sensitive and over worked down there.

     He hums and presses open-mouthed kisses down her cheek to her lips where he teasingly pulls her bottom lip in between his and gives it a little suck. Swipes his tongue along it...she moans, loudly, pressing her body against his and wrapping her arms around him. He grins and releases it. "Oh, baby, you can and you will."

     His lips meet hers and her eyes rolls into the back of her head at the feeling. Feathers tickle the inside of her stomach and she pulls him closer until his hips rest in-between her thighs. Thrusting eagerly against him, she whimpers into his mouth.

     The friction felt great – amazing – but it wasn't enough.

     "Jesus," she pants into his kiss. "Get in me already. I need your cock. I need you to fill me up-"

     He growls at her words, nips at her bottom lip harshly. "Don't push me, 391. You won't be able to handle me right now. I'd break you."

     She lets out a sound close to a sob. "Oh god. I want it so bad-"

     254 grinds against her and hides his head in her neck. Sucks hickey's into her skin. He knew his eyes would be changing colour, The Beast barely contained, and he didn't want her to see it. To have to explain it. Yet. "I'll fuck you, baby," he promises darkly. "But first I want to kiss your pretty little cunt."

     He wants to taste every inch of her skin but finds he lacks the patience for it. Sitting back on his knees, he quickly yanks her panties down her legs and throws them in the direction of his bed. Ducking underneath her legs, he rests them onto his shoulders. "Fuck," he groans, giving her a once over with his eyes.

     She was soaked, lips so wet with her slick it reminded him of oil. Her clit peeked out between them, greeting him and he licked his lips. The poor thing looked red and swollen. He'd have to be gentle with it, not wanting to hurt her. Connected to her pretty nub was two plumped labia minora's. Mmm. He'd have fun sucking on them, too.

     She was shaven, he noted, which is how he liked his women. Liked feeling their soft skin against his cheeks and mouth. Briefly, he wonders how he knows that - he can't remember actually going down on a woman since losing his memory - but he guesses some things come naturally, memory loss or not.

     "You're so gorgeous, baby," he tells her, parts her using his thumb and forefinger. "Jesus." He can see everything. Her crevices; bumps, curves...her tiny little hole. He wanted to tongue it all.

     So he does.

     She can't contain her noises as he plays with her. Runs his tongue up and down her folds, nurses her small inner lips between his, tastes her straight from the source. He's careful with her clit, not putting much force behind his stroke; only flutters his tongue against it and circles her with the flat of it.

     391 pants, cries, grips his hair, the sheets, her breasts...he growls, eyes flickering colours. The Beast was close to the surface but seemed content on staying just there...watching, tasting; getting drunk on her.

     It's almost like he knew it's all he could have right now, with her being too sore to deal with him.

     Her thighs start jumping in his hold every time he catches the left side of her nub so he stays there, bullies it gently and her cries get louder. So he gets faster.


     It doesn't take her long to reach orgasm, her hips raising off of the bed as she lets out something between a scream and a breathy moan. Her nub contracts, he can feel it, so he keeps his pace going, drawing out her pleasure until she falls back against the bed, whimpering.

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