1.28: In Which He Wants Answers

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     "Not again," 391 half-moans, half-cries as more gas fills the room.

     She was naked; the only item covering her body was her sheet. She was too hot – too sweaty – to even think about putting her clothes back on.

     And her fertile week wasn't even over yet. She'd lost count what day she was on but she felt like it was never going to end.

     It was torture.

     She knew it wasn't his fault. Just like it wasn't hers.. That didn't mean she felt any less guilty, or dirty, for it.

     "Jesus Christ," a topless, sweat-drenched 81 mumbled. He ran a hand through his damp curls.

     She was so tired, not to mention, sore. "I can't go again."

     Why didn't 254 come for me?

     He said he would...

     I don't blame him, a dark voice whispers, you're dirty now. Broken. He won't want you anymore...

     Her lip trembled, eyes turning red rimmed. 

     "You're killing me, love," 81's voice is strained, eyes rimmed red. "Look– look at what I've done to you. I'm a monster." Venom laces his tone. "If there was a way for me to kill myself – to stop this – I would, love. I'm so sorry."

     "No!" she protests, appalled at herself for making him feel so guilty he wanted to commit suicide. "Jesus, no – don't think like that. It's not your fault. It's not our fault."

     He wipes his eyes with his arm. "I know, but seeing you so upset. . ."

     "I'm sorry," she breathes. "I'm sorry, 81."

     "No," he shakes his head, panting. "Love – it's starting."

     She nods numbly. She can feel it, too. Seconds ago, 391 was couldn't imagine going again, but the gas was kicking in and she'd long learned there was no fighting it. Heat flares in her belly and she squeezes her thighs together. Whilst she wasn't attracted to 81-her heart belonged with one man only-her body knew he was her only way of getting relief-of not dying. She holds back for as long as she can, but just like the last time, it gets too much and 391 gives into it. 


     "254! Stop!" Doctor Ashley pushes him into his cell. She turns to Gavin who was holding his eye. "Don't tell the others about this or I'll be sure to give your ex-wife a visit. Got it?"

     "Whatever," Gavin spits. "You've got half-hour." He closes the door on them.

     "What are you doing here, Ashley?" 254 questions harshly, his chest heaving from assaulting the guard. He shouldn't of fucking done that but couldn't help himself – he worked with the people who took his girl away. Ass-hole deserved it and worse.

     The Beast paced in his head, restless since his mate had been taken. Ashley's presence didn't help – it was an insult to his mate to tolerate her and if he'd been in control, he'd had torn her into tiny, bloody pieces.

     And for her sake, 254 hopes she treads carefully because he wasn't in the mood to stop him.

     "Checking on you," she coos, swaying her hips as she steps into the middle of the cell and glances at his bed. "I heard you lost your cell-mate."

      "She isn't lost – she was fucking taken." He steps forward, wraps a hand around her neck and lifts her until she's standing on her toes. She gasps, gripping his wrist. "You really shouldn't of come here," he chuckles darkly, squeezing. "Tell me where she is and I might let you walk out alive."

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